April 27, 2024

The Joy of Code

Alan Pope

A few weeks ago, in episode 25 of Linux Matters Podcast I brought up the subject of ‘Coding Joy’. This blog post is an expanded follow-up to that segment. Go and listen to that episode - or not - it’s all covered here.

The Joy of Linux Torture

Not a Developer

I’ve said this many times - I’ve never considered myself a ‘Developer’. It’s not so much imposter syndrome, but plain facts. I didn’t attend university to study software engineering, and have never held a job with ‘Engineer’ or Developer’ in the title.

(I do have Engineering Manager and Developer Advocate roles in my past, but in popey’s weird set of rules, those don’t count.)

I have written code over the years. Starting with BASIC on the Sinclair ZX81 and Sinclair Spectrum, I wrote stuff for fun and no financial gain. I also coded in Z80 & 6502 assembler, taught myself Pascal on my Epson 8086 PC in 1990, then QuickBasic and years later, BlitzBasic, Lua (via LÖVE) and more.

In the workplace, I wrote some alarmingly complex utilities in Windows batch scripts and later Bash shell scripts on Linux. In a past career, I would write ABAP in SAP - which turned into an internal product mildly amusingly called “Alan’s Tool”.

These were pretty much all coding for fun, though. Nobody specced up a project and assigned me as a developer on it. I just picked up the tools and started making something, whether that was a sprite routine in Z80 assembler, an educational CPU simulator in Pascal, or a spreadsheet uploader for SAP BiW.

In 2003, three years before Twitter launched in 2006, I made a service called ‘Clunky.net’. It was a bunch of PHP and Perl smashed together and published online with little regard for longevity or security. Users could sign up and send ’tweet’ style messages from their phone via SMS, which would be presented in a reverse-chronological timeline. It didn’t last, but I had fun making it while it did.

They were all fun side-quests.

None of this makes me a developer.

Volatile Memories

It’s rapidly approaching fifty years since I first wrote any code on my first computer. Back then, you’d typically write code and then either save it on tape (if you were patient) or disk (if you were loaded). Maybe you’d write it down - either before or after you typed it in - or perhaps you’d turn the computer off and lose it all.

When I studied for a BTEC National Diploma in Computer Studies at college, one of our classes was on the IBM PC with two floppy disc drives. The lecturer kept hold of all the floppies because we couldn’t be trusted not to lose, damage or forget them. Sometimes the lecturer was held up at the start of class, so we’d be sat twiddling our thumbs for a bit.

In those days, when you booted the PC with no floppy inserted, it would go directly into BASICA, like the 8-bit microcomputers before it. I would frequently start writing something, anything, to pass the time.

With no floppy disks on hand, the code - beautiful as it was - would be lost. The lecturer often reset the room when they entered, hitting a big red ‘Stop’ button, which instantly powered down all the computers, losing whatever ‘work’ you’d done.

I was probably a little irritated at the moment, just as I would when the RAM pack wobbled on my ZX81, losing everything. You move on, though, and make something else, or get on with your college work, and soon forget about it.

Or you bitterly remember it and write a blog post four decades later. Each to their own.

Sharing is Caring

This part was the main focus of the conversation when we talked about this on the show.

In the modern age, over the last ten to fifteen years or so, I’ve not done so much of the kind of coding I wrote about above. I certainly have done some stuff for work, mostly around packaging other people’s software as snaps or writing noddy little shell scripts. But I lost a lot of the ‘joy’ of coding recently.


I think a big part is the expectation that I’d make the code available to others. The public scrutiny others give your code may have been a factor. The pressure I felt that I should put my code out and continue to maintain it rather than throw it over the wall wouldn’t have helped.

I think I was so obsessed with doing the ‘right’ thing that coding ‘correctly’ or following standards and making it all maintainable became a cognitive roadblock.

I would start writing something and then begin wondering, ‘How would someone package this up?’ and ‘Am I using modern coding standards, toolkits, and frameworks?’ This held me back from the joy of coding in the first place. I was obsessing too much over other people’s opinions of my code and whether someone else could build and run it.

I never used to care about this stuff for personal projects, and it was a lot more joyful an experience - for me.

I used to have an idea, pick up a text editor and start coding. I missed that.


In January this year, Terence Eden wrote about his escapades making a FourSquare-like service using ActivityPub and OpenStreetMap. When he first mentioned this on Mastodon, I grabbed a copy of the code he shared and had a brief look at it.

The code was surprisingly simple, scrappy, kinda working, and written in PHP. I was immediately thrown back twenty years to my terrible ‘Clunky’ code and how much fun it was to throw together.

In February, I bumped into Terence at State of Open Con in London and took the opportunity to quiz him about his creation. We discussed his choice of technology (PHP), and the simple ’thrown together in a day’ nature of the project.

At that point, I had a bit of a light-bulb moment, realising that I could get back to joyful coding. I don’t have to share everything; not every project needs to be an Open-Source Opus.

I can open a text editor, type some code, and enjoy it, and that’s enough.

Joy Rediscovered

I had an idea for a web application and wanted to prototype something without too much technological research or overhead. So I created a folder on my home server, ran php -S in a terminal there, made a skeleton index.php and pointed a browser at the address. Boom! Application created!

I created some horribly insecure and probably unmaintainable PHP that will almost certainly never see the light of day.

I had fun doing it though. Which is really the whole point.

More side-quests, fewer grand plans.

on April 27, 2024 08:00 AM

April 26, 2024

The latest release of uCareSystem, version 24.04.0, introduces enhanced maintenance and cleanup capabilities for Ubuntu and its derivatives. It’s definitely worth exploring the new features As uCareSystem joyfully celebrates its 15th anniversary, its latest release unveils a host of new features that I have incorporated to address the evolving needs since the previous version, 4.4.0Continue reading "Ucaresystem 24.04.0 released"
on April 26, 2024 11:01 AM

Over coffee this morning, I stumbled upon simone, a fledgling Open-Source tool for repurposing YouTube videos as blog posts. The Python tool creates a text summary of the video and extracts some contextual frames to illustrate the text.

A neat idea! In my experience, software engineers are often tasked with making demonstration videos, but other engineers commonly prefer consuming the written word over watching a video. I took simone for a spin, to see how well it works. Scroll down and tell me what you think!

I was sat in front of my work laptop, which is a mac, so roughly speaking, this is what I did:

  • Install host pre-requisites
$ brew install ffmpeg tesseract virtualenv
git clone https://github.com/rajtilakjee/simone
  • Get a free API key from OpenRouter
  • Put the API key in .env
  • Install python requisites
$ cd simone
$ virtualenv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run it!
(.venv) $ python src/main.py
Enter YouTube URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDIAHEoECfM
/Users/alan/Work/rajtilakjee/simone/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/whisper/transcribe.py:115: UserWarning: FP16 is not supported on CPU; using FP32 instead
 warnings.warn("FP16 is not supported on CPU; using FP32 instead")
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/Users/alan/Work/rajtilakjee/simone/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pytesseract/pytesseract.py", line 255, in run_tesseract
 proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd_args, **subprocess_args())
 File "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.12/3.12.3/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/subprocess.py", line 1026, in __init__
 self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
 File "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.12/3.12.3/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/subprocess.py", line 1955, in _execute_child
 raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:/Program Files/Tesseract-OCR/tesseract.exe'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/Users/alan/Work/rajtilakjee/simone/src/main.py", line 47, in <module>
 File "/Users/alan/Work/rajtilakjee/simone/src/main.py", line 39, in blogpost
 score = scores.score_frames()
 File "/Users/alan/Work/rajtilakjee/simone/src/utils/scorer.py", line 20, in score_frames
 extracted_text = pytesseract.image_to_string(
 File "/Users/alan/Work/rajtilakjee/simone/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pytesseract/pytesseract.py", line 423, in image_to_string
 return {
 File "/Users/alan/Work/rajtilakjee/simone/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pytesseract/pytesseract.py", line 426, in <lambda>
 Output.STRING: lambda: run_and_get_output(*args),
 File "/Users/alan/Work/rajtilakjee/simone/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pytesseract/pytesseract.py", line 288, in run_and_get_output
 File "/Users/alan/Work/rajtilakjee/simone/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pytesseract/pytesseract.py", line 260, in run_tesseract
 raise TesseractNotFoundError()
pytesseract.pytesseract.TesseractNotFoundError: C:/Program Files/Tesseract-OCR/tesseract.exe is not installed or it's not in your PATH. See README file for more information.
  • Oof!
  • File a bug (like a good Open Source citizen)
  • Locally patch the file and try again
(.venv) python src/main.py
Enter YouTube URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDIAHEoECfM
/Users/alan/Work/rajtilakjee/simone/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/whisper/transcribe.py:115: UserWarning: FP16 is not supported on CPU; using FP32 instead
 warnings.warn("FP16 is not supported on CPU; using FP32 instead")
  • Look for results
(.venv) $ ls -l generated_blogpost.txt *.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 alan staff 2163 26 Apr 09:26 generated_blogpost.txt
-rw-r--r--@ 1 alan staff 132984 26 Apr 09:27 top_frame_4_score_106.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 alan staff 184705 26 Apr 09:27 top_frame_5_score_105.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 alan staff 126148 26 Apr 09:27 top_frame_9_score_101.jpg

In my test I pointed simone at a short demo video from my employer, Anchore’s YouTube channel. The results are below, with no editing, I even included the typos. The images at the bottom of this post are frames from the video that simone selected.

Ancors Static Stick Checker Tool Demo: Evaluating and Resolving Security Findings


Static stick checker tool helps developers identify security vulnerabilities in Docker images by running open-source security checks and generating remediation recommendations. This blog post summarizes a live demo of the tool’s capabilities.

How it works

The tool works by:

  • Downloading and analyzing the Docker image.
  • Detecting the base operating system distribution and selecting the appropriate stick profile.
  • Running open-source security checks on the image.
  • Generating a report of identified vulnerabilities and remediation actions.

Demo Walkthrough

The demo showcases the following steps:

  • Image preparation: Uploading a Docker image to a registry.
  • Tool execution: Running the static stick checker tool against the image.
  • Results viewing: Analyzing the generated stick results and identifying vulnerabilities.
  • Remediation: Implementing suggested remediation actions by modifying the Dockerfile.
  • Re-checking: Running the tool again to verify that the fixes have been effective.

Key findings

  • The static stick checker tool identified vulnerabilities in the Docker image in areas such as:
    • Verifying file hash integrity.
    • Configuring cryptography policy.
    • Verifying file permissions.
  • Remediation scripts were provided to address each vulnerability.
  • By implementing the recommended changes, the security posture of the Docker image was improved.

Benefits of using the static stick checker tool

  • Identify security vulnerabilities early in the development process.
  • Automate the remediation process.
  • Shift security checks leftward in the development pipeline.
  • Reduce the burden on security teams by addressing vulnerabilities before deployment.


The Ancors static stick checker tool provides a valuable tool for developers to improve the security of their Docker images. By proactively addressing vulnerabilities during the development process, organizations can ensure their applications are secure and reduce the risk of security incidents

Here’s the images it pulled out:

First image taken from the video

Second image taken from the video

Third image taken from the video

Not bad! It could be better - getting the company name wrong, for one!

I can imagine using this to create a YouTube description, or use it as a skeleton from which a blog post could be created. I certainly wouldn’t just pipe the output of this into blog posts! But so many videos need better descriptions, and this could help!

on April 26, 2024 09:00 AM

April 25, 2024

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, codenamed “Noble Numbat”, is here. This release continues Ubuntu’s proud tradition of integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution. The team has been hard at work through this cycle, together with the community and our partners, to introduce new features and fix bugs.

Our 10th Long Term Supported release sets a new standard in performance engineering, enterprise security and developer experience.

Ubuntu Desktop brings the Subiquity installer to an LTS for the first time. In addition to a refreshed user experience and a minimal install by default, the installer now includes experimental support for ZFS and TPM-based full disk encryption and the ability to import auto-install configurations. Post install, users will be greeted with the latest GNOME 46 alongside a new App Center and firmware-updater. Netplan is now the default for networking configuration and supports bidirectionality with NetworkManager.

Ubuntu now enables frame pointers by default on 64-bit architectures to enable CPU and off-CPU profiling for workload optimisation, alongside a suite of critical performance tools pre-installed. The Linux 6.8 kernel now enables low-latency features by default. For IoT vendors leveraging 32-bit arm hardware, our armhf build has been updated to resolve the upcoming 2038 issue by implementing 64-bit time_t in all necessary packages.

As always, Ubuntu ships with the latest toolchain versions. .NET 8 is now fully supported on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (and Ubuntu 22.04 LTS) for the full lifecycle of the release and OpenJDK 21 and 17 are both TCK certified to adhere to Java interoperability standards. Ubuntu 24.04 LTS ships Rust 1.75 and a simpler Rust toolchain snap framework to enable future rust versions to be delivered to developers on this release in years to come.

The newest Edubuntu, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu Budgie, Ubuntu Cinnamon, Ubuntu Kylin, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Studio, Ubuntu Unity, and Xubuntu are also being released today. More details can be found for these at their individual release notes under the Official Flavours section:


Maintenance updates will be provided for 5 years for Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Cloud and Ubuntu Core. All the remaining flavours will be supported for 3 years. Additional security support is available with ESM (Extended Security Maintenance).

To get Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

In order to download Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, visit:


Users of Ubuntu 23.10 will soon be offered an automatic upgrade to 24.04. Users of 22.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 24.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for the 15th of August. For further information about upgrading, see:


As always, upgrades to the latest version of Ubuntu are entirely free of charge.

We recommend that all users read the release notes, which document caveats and workarounds for known issues, and provide more in-depth information on the release itself. They are available at:


Find out what’s new in this release with a graphical overview:


If you have a question, or if you think you may have found a bug but aren’t sure, you can try asking in any of the following places:

#ubuntu on irc.libera.chat

Help Shape Ubuntu

If you would like to help shape Ubuntu, take a look at the list of ways
you can participate at:


About Ubuntu

Ubuntu is a full-featured Linux distribution for desktops, laptops, IoT, cloud, and servers, with a fast and easy installation and regular releases. A tightly-integrated selection of excellent applications is included, and an incredible variety of add-on software is just a few clicks away.

Professional services including support are available from Canonical and hundreds of other companies around the world. For more information about support, visit:


More Information

You can learn more about Ubuntu and about this release on our website listed below:


To sign up for future Ubuntu announcements, please subscribe to Ubuntu’s very low volume announcement list at:


Originally posted to the ubuntu-announce mailing list on Thu Apr 25 15:20:52 UTC 2024 by Utkarsh Gupta on behalf of the Ubuntu Release Team

on April 25, 2024 11:47 PM

The Kubuntu Team is happy to announce that Kubuntu 24.04 has been released, featuring the ‘beautiful’ KDE Plasma 5.27 simple by default, powerful when needed.

Codenamed “Noble Numbat”, Kubuntu 24.04 continues our tradition of giving you Friendly Computing by integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution.

Under the hood, there have been updates to many core packages, including a new 6.8-based kernel, KDE Frameworks 5.115, KDE Plasma 5.27 and KDE Gear 23.08.

Kubuntu 24.04 with Plasma 5.27.11

Kubuntu has seen many updates for other applications, both in our default install, and installable from the Ubuntu archive.

Haruna, Krita, Kdevelop, Yakuake, and many many more applications are updated.

Applications for core day-to-day usage are included and updated, such as Firefox, and LibreOffice.

For a list of other application updates, and known bugs be sure to read our release notes.

Download Kubuntu 24.04, or learn how to upgrade from 23.10 or 22.04 LTS.

Note: For upgrades from 23.10, there may a delay of a few hours to days between the official release announcements and the Ubuntu Release Team enabling upgrades.

on April 25, 2024 04:16 PM

The Ubuntu Studio team is pleased to announce the release of Ubuntu Studio 24.04 LTS, code-named “Noble Numbat”. This marks Ubuntu Studio’s 34th release. This release is a Long-Term Support release and as such, it is supported for 3 years (36 months, until April 2027).

Since it’s just out, you may experience some issues, so you might want to wait a bit before upgrading. Please see the release notes for a more complete list of changes and known issues. Listed here are some of the major highlights.

You can download Ubuntu Studio 24.04 LTS from our download page.

Special Notes

The Ubuntu Studio 24.04 LTS disk image (ISO) exceeds 4 GB and cannot be downloaded to some file systems such as FAT32 and may not be readable when burned to a standard DVD. For this reason, we recommend downloading to a compatible file system. When creating a boot medium, we recommend creating a bootable USB stick with the ISO image or burning to a Dual-Layer DVD.

Minimum installation media requirements: Dual-Layer DVD or 8GB USB drive.

Images can be obtained from this link: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/24.04/beta/

Full updated information, including Upgrade Instructions, are available in the Release Notes.

Please note that upgrading from 22.04 before the release of 24.04.1, due August 2024, is unsupported.

Upgrades from 23.10 should be enabled within a month after release, so we appreciate your patience.

New This Release

All-New System Installer

In cooperation with the Ubuntu Desktop Team, we have an all-new Desktop installer. This installer uses the underlying code of the Ubuntu Server installer (“Subiquity”) which has been in-use for years, with a frontend coded in “Flutter”. This took a large amount of work for this release, and we were able to help a lot of other official Ubuntu flavors transition to this new installer.

Be on the lookout for a special easter egg when the graphical environment for the installer first starts. For those of you who have been long-time users of Ubuntu Studio since our early days (even before Xfce!), you will notice exactly what it is.

PipeWire 1.0.4

Now for the big one: PipeWire is now mature, and this release contains PipeWire 1.0. With PipeWire 1.0 comes the stability and compatibility you would expect from multimedia audio. In fact, at this point, we recommend PipeWire usage for both Professional, Prosumer, and Everyday audio needs. At Ubuntu Summit 2023 in Riga, Latvia, our project leader Erich Eickmeyer used PipeWire to demonstrate live audio mixing with much success and has since done some audio mastering work using it. JACK developers even consider it to be “JACK 3”.

PipeWire’s JACK compatibility is configured to use out-of-the-box and is zero-latency internally. System latency is configurable via Ubuntu Studio Audio Configuration.

However, if you would rather use straight JACK 2 instead, that’s also possible. Ubuntu Studio Audio Configuration can disable and enable PipeWire’s JACK compatibility on-the-fly. From there, you can simply use JACK via QJackCtl.

With this, we consider audio production with Ubuntu Studio so mature that it can now rival operating systems such as macOS and Windows in ease-of-use since it’s ready to go out-of-the-box.

Deprecation of PulseAudio/JACK setup/Studio Controls

Due to the maturity of PipeWire, we now consider the traditional PulseAudio/JACK setup, where JACK would be started/stopped by Studio Controls and bridged to PulseAudio, deprecated. This configuration is still installable via Ubuntu Studio Audio Configuration, but we do not recommend it. Studio Controls may return someday as a PipeWire fine-tuning solution, but for now it is unsupported by the developer. For that reason, we recommend users not use this configuration. If you do, it is at your own risk and no support will be given. In fact, it’s likely to be dropped for 24.10.

Ardour 8.4

While this does not represent the latest release of Ardour, Ardour 8.4 is a great release. If you would like the latest release, we highly recommend purchasing one-time or subscribing to Ardour directly from the developers to help support this wonderful application. Also, for that reason, this will be an application we will not directly backport. More on that later.

Ubuntu Studio Audio Configuration

Ubuntu Studio Audio Configuration has undergone a UI overhaul and contains the ability to start and stop a Dummy Audio Device which can also be configured to start or stop upon login. When assigned as the default, this will free-up channels that would normally be assigned to your system audio to be assigned to a null device.

Meta Package for Music Education

In cooperation with Edubuntu, we have created a metapackage for music education. This package is installable from Ubuntu Studio Installer and includes the following packages:

  • FMIT: Free Musical Instrument Tuner, a tool for tuning musical Instruments (also included by default)
  • GNOME Metronome: Exactly what it sounds like (pun unintended): a metronome.
  • Minuet: Ear training for intervals, chords, scales, and more.
  • MuseScore: Create, playback, and print sheet music for free (this one is no stranger to the Ubuntu Studio community)
  • Piano Booster: MIDI player/game that displays musical notes and teaches you how to play piano, optionally using a MIDI keyboard.
  • Solfege: Ear training program for harmonic and melodic intervals, chords, scales, and rhythms.

New Artwork

Thanks to the work of Eylul and the submissions to the Ubuntu Studio Noble Numbat Wallpaper Contest, we have a number of wallpapers to choose from and a new default wallpaper.

Deprecation of Ubuntu Studio Backports Is In Effect

As stated in the Ubuntu 23.10 Release Announcement, the Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA is now deprecated in favor of the official Ubuntu Backports repository. However, the Backports repository only works for LTS releases and for good reason. There are a few requirements for backporting:

  • It must be an application which already exists in the Ubuntu repositories
  • It must be an application which would not otherwise qualify for a simple bugfix, which would then qualify it to be a Stable Release Update. This means it must have new features.
  • It must not rely on new libraries or new versions of libraries.
  • It must exist within a later supported release or the development release of Ubuntu.

If you have a suggestion for an application for which to backport that meets those requirements, feel free to join and email the Ubuntu Studio Users Mailing List with your suggestion with the tag “[BPO]” at the beginning of the subject line. Backports to 22.04 LTS are now closed and backports to 24.04 LTS are now open. Additionally, suggestions must pertain to Ubuntu Studio and preferably must be applications included with Ubuntu Studio. Suggestions can be rejected at the Project Leader’s discretion.

One package that is exempt to backporting is Ardour. To help support Ardour’s funding, you may obtain later versions directly from them. To do so, please one-time purchase or subscribe to Ardour from their website. If you wish to get later versions of Ardour from us, you will have to wait until the next regular release of Ubuntu Studio, due in October 2024.

We’re back on Matrix

You’ll notice that the menu links to our support chat and on our website will now take you to a Matrix chat. This is due to the Ubuntu community carving its own space within the Matrix federation.

However, this is not only a support chat. This is also a creativity discussion chat. You can pass ideas to each other and you’re welcome to it if the topic remains within those confines. However, if a moderator or admin warns you that you’re getting off-topic (or the intention for the chat room), please heed the warning.

This is a persistent connection, meaning if you close the window (or chat), it won’t lose your place as you may only need to sign back in to resume the chat.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does Ubuntu Studio contain snaps?
A: Yes. Mozilla’s distribution agreement with Canonical changed, and Ubuntu was forced to no longer distribute Firefox in a native .deb package. We have found that, after numerous improvements, Firefox now performs just as well as the native .deb package did.

Thunderbird also became a snap during this cycle for the maintainers to get security patches delivered faster.

Additionally, Freeshow is an Electron-based application. Electron-based applications cannot be packaged in the Ubuntu repositories in that they cannot be packaged in a traditional Debian source package. While such apps do have a build system to create a .deb binary package, it circumvents the source package build system in Launchpad, which is required when packaging for Ubuntu. However, Electron apps also have a facility for creating snaps, which can be uploaded and included. Therefore, for Freeshow to be included in Ubuntu Studio, it had to be packaged as a snap.

Q: Will you make an ISO with {my favorite desktop environment}?
A: To do so would require creating an entirely new flavor of Ubuntu, which would require going through the Official Ubuntu Flavor application process. Since we’re completely volunteer-run, we don’t have the time or resources to do this. Instead, we recommend you download the official flavor for the desktop environment of your choice and use Ubuntu Studio Installer to get Ubuntu Studio – which does *not* convert that flavor to Ubuntu Studio but adds its benefits.

Q: What if I don’t want all these packages installed on my machine?
A: Simply use the Ubuntu Studio Installer to remove the features of Ubuntu Studio you don’t want or need!

Looking Toward the Future

Plasma 6

Ubuntu Studio, in cooperation with Kubuntu, will be switching to Plasma 6 during the 24.10 development cycle. Likewise, Lubuntu will be switching to LXQt 2.0 and Qt 6, so the three flavors will be cooperating to do the move.

New Look

Ubuntu Studio has been using the same theming, “Materia” (except for the 22.04 LTS release which was a re-colored Breeze theme) since 19.04. However, Materia has gone dead upstream. To stay consistent, we found a fork called “Orchis” which seems to match closely and will be switching to that. More on that soon.

Minimal Installation

The new system installer has the capability to do minimal installations. This was something we did not have time to implement this cycle but intend to do for 24.10. This will let users install a minimal desktop to get going and then install what they need via Ubuntu Studio Installer. This will make a faster installation process but will not make the installation .iso image smaller. However, we have an idea for that as well.

Minimal Installation .iso Image

We are going to research what it will take to create a minimal installer .iso image that will function much like the regular .iso image minus the ability to install everything and allow the user to customize the installation via Ubuntu Studio Installer. This should lead to a much smaller initial download. Unlike creating a version with a different desktop environment, the Ubuntu Technical Board has been on record as saying this would not require going through the new flavor creation process. Our friends at Xubuntu recently did something similar.

Get Involved!

A wonderful way to contribute is to get involved with the project directly! We’re always looking for new volunteers to help with packaging, documentation, tutorials, user support, and MORE! Check out all the ways you can contribute!

Our project leader, Erich Eickmeyer, is now working on Ubuntu Studio at least part-time, and is hoping that the users of Ubuntu Studio can give enough to generate a monthly part-time income. Your donations are appreciated! If other distributions can do it, surely we can! See the sidebar for ways to give!

Special Thanks

Huge special thanks for this release go to:

  • Eylul Dogruel: Artwork, Graphics Design
  • Ross Gammon: Upstream Debian Developer, Testing, Email Support
  • Sebastien Ramacher: Upstream Debian Developer
  • Dennis Braun: Upstream Debian Developer
  • Rik Mills: Kubuntu Council Member, help with Plasma desktop
  • Scarlett Moore: Kubuntu Project Lead, help with Plasma desktop
  • Zixing Liu: Simplified Chinese translations in the installer
  • Simon Quigley: Lubuntu Release Manager, help with Qt items, Core Developer stuff, keeping Erich sane and focused
  • Steve Langasek: Help with livecd-rootfs changes to make the new installer work properly.
  • Dan Bungert: Subiquity, seed fixes
  • Dennis Loose: Ubuntu Desktop Provision (installer)
  • Lukas Klingsbo: Ubuntu Desktop Provision (installer)
  • Len Ovens: Testing, insight
  • Wim Taymans: Creator of PipeWire
  • Mauro Gaspari: Tutorials, Promotion, and Documentation, Testing, keeping Erich sane
  • Krytarik Raido: IRC Moderator, Mailing List Moderator
  • Erich Eickmeyer: Project Leader, Packaging, Development, Direction, Treasurer

A Note from the Project Leader

When I started out working on Ubuntu Studio six years ago, I had a vision of making it not only the easiest Linux-based operating system for content creation, but the easiest content creation operating system… full-stop.

With the release of Ubuntu Studio 24.04 LTS, I believe we have achieved that goal. No longer do we have to worry about whether an application is JACK or PulseAudio or… whatever. It all just works! Audio applications can be patched to each other!

If an audio device doesn’t depend on complex drivers (i.e. if the device is class-compliant), it will just work. If a user wishes to lower the latency or change the sample rate, we have a utility that does that (Ubuntu Studio Audio Configuration). If a user wants to have finer control use pure JACK via QJackCtl, they can do that too!

I honestly don’t know how I would replicate this on Windows, and replicating on macOS would be much harder without downloading all sorts of applications. With Ubuntu Studio 24.04 LTS, it’s ready to go and you don’t have to worry about it.

Where we are now is a dream come true for me, and something I’ve been hoping to see Ubuntu Studio become. And now, we’re finally here, and I feel like it can only get better.

-Erich Eickmeyer

on April 25, 2024 03:16 PM

Canonical’s 10th Long Term Supported release sets a new standard in performance engineering, enterprise security and developer experience.

London, 25 April 2024.

Today Canonical announced the release of Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, codenamed “Noble Numbat”, available to download and install from https://ubuntu.com/download.

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS builds on the advancements of the last three interim releases as well as the contributions of open source developers from around the world to ensure a secure, optimised and forward looking platform.

“Ubuntu 24.04 LTS takes a bold step into performance engineering and confidential computing to deliver an enterprise-grade innovation platform, supported for at least 12 years”, said Mark Shuttleworth, CEO of Canonical. “For developers we are delighted to announce TCK certified Java, an LTS for .NET and the latest Rust toolchain.”

Performance engineering tools pre-enabled and pre-loaded

Canonical is dedicated to raising the bar for quality and performance across the entire Ubuntu ecosystem. 

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS delivers the latest Linux 6.8 kernel with improved syscall performance, nested KVM support on ppc64el, and access to the newly landed bcachefs filesystem. In addition to upstream improvements, Ubuntu 24.04 LTS has merged low-latency kernel features into the default kernel, reducing kernel task scheduling delays.

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS also enables frame pointers by default on all 64-bit architectures so that performance engineers have ready access to accurate and complete flame graphs as they profile their systems for troubleshooting and optimisation.

“Frame pointers allow more complete CPU profiling and off-CPU profiling. The performance wins that these can provide far outweigh the comparatively tiny loss in performance. Ubuntu enabling frame pointers by default will be a huge win for performance engineering and the default developer experience”, said Brendan Gregg, Computer Performance Expert and Fellow at Intel. Tracing with bpftrace is now standard in Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, alongside pre-existing profiling tools to provide site reliability engineers with immediate access to essential resources.

Integrated workload accelerators bring additional performance improvements. Canonical and Intel worked together to integrate Intel® QuickAssist Technology (Intel® QAT) for the first time ever in an LTS. Intel QAT enables users to accelerate encryption and compression in order to reduce CPU utilisation and improve networking and storage application performance on 4th Gen and newer Intel Xeon Scalable processors. 

“Ubuntu is a natural fit to enable the most advanced Intel features. Canonical and Intel have a shared philosophy of enabling performance and security at scale across platforms”, said Mark Skarpness, Vice President and General Manager of System Software Engineering at Intel.

Increased developer productivity with LTS toolchains

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS includes Python 3.12, Ruby 3.2, PHP 8.3 and Go 1.22 with additional focus dedicated to the developer experience for .NET, Java and Rust.

With the introduction of .NET 8, Ubuntu is taking a significant step forward in supporting the .NET community. NET 8 will be fully supported on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and 22.04 LTS for the entire lifecycle of both releases, enabling developers to upgrade their applications to newer .NET versions prior to upgrading their Ubuntu release. This .NET support has also been extended to the IBM System Z platform.

“We are pleased about the release of Canonical Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and the increased performance, developer productivity, and security that it provides our joint customers,” said Jeremy Winter, Corporate Vice President, Azure Cloud Native. “Ubuntu is an endorsed Linux distro on Microsoft Azure, and an important component for many of Microsoft’s technologies, including .NET, Windows Subsystem for Linux, Azure Kubernetes Service, and Azure confidential computing. Microsoft and Canonical have a close engineering relationship spanning everything from update infrastructure in Azure to developer tooling, notably .NET 8 which is part of the Noble Numbat release from day one. We look forward to continuing our strong collaboration with Canonical to enhance developer productivity and provide a robust experience for Ubuntu on Azure.”

For Java developers, OpenJDK 21 is the default in Ubuntu 24.04 LTS while maintaining support for versions 17, 11, and 8. OpenJDK 17 and 21 are also TCK certified, which means they  adhere to Java standards and ensure interoperability with other Java platforms. A special FIPS-compliant OpenJDK 11 package is also available for Ubuntu Pro users.

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS ships with Rust 1.75 and a simpler Rust toolchain snap framework. This will support the increasing use of Rust in key Ubuntu packages, like the kernel and Firefox, and enables future Rust versions to be delivered to developers on 24.04 LTS in years to come.

New management tools for Ubuntu Desktop and WSL

For the first time in an LTS, Ubuntu Desktop now uses the same installer technology as Ubuntu Server. This means that desktop administrators can now use image customisation tools like autoinstall and cloud-init to create tailored experiences for their developers. The user interface has also received a makeover, with a modern design built in Flutter.

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For those managing mixed Windows and Ubuntu environments, the Active Directory Group Policy client available via Ubuntu Pro now supports enterprise proxy configuration, privilege management and remote script execution.

Canonical continues to invest in Ubuntu on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) as a first class platform for developers and data scientists. Starting with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, Ubuntu on WSL now supports cloud-init to enable image customisation and standardisation across developer estates.

Confidential computing on the cloud and private data centres

Confidential computing secures data at runtime from vulnerabilities within the host privileged system software, including the hypervisor. It also protects data against unauthorised access by 

infrastructure administrators. Today, Ubuntu offers the most extensive portfolio of confidential virtual machines, available across Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and Amazon Web Services.

Ubuntu is also the first and only Linux distribution to support confidential GPUs on the public cloud, starting with a preview on Microsoft Azure. Building on the silicon innovation of NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPUs and AMD 4th Gen EPYC processors with SEV-SNP, Ubuntu  confidential VMs are ideal to perform AI training and inference tasks on sensitive data.

Ubuntu also supports confidential computing in private data centres. Thanks to a strategic collaboration between Intel and Canonical, Ubuntu now seamlessly supports Intel® Trust Domain Extensions (Intel® TDX) on both the host and guest sides, starting with an Intel-optimised Ubuntu 23.10 build.  With no changes required to the application layer, VM isolation with Intel TDX greatly simplifies the porting and migration of existing workloads to a confidential computing environment.

12 years of support with new Ubuntu Pro add-on 

To meet the needs of Canonical’s enterprise customers, Ubuntu 24.04 LTS gets a 12 year commitment for security maintenance and support. As with other long term supported releases, Noble Numbat will get five years of free security maintenance on the main Ubuntu repository. Ubuntu Pro extends that commitment to 10 years on both the main and universe repositories. Ubuntu Pro subscribers can purchase an extra two years with the Legacy Support add-on

The 12 year commitment also applies to earlier Ubuntu releases, starting with 14.04 LTS. The LTS expansion offers benefits for individuals and organisations who want to gain even more stability while building on top of Ubuntu’s wide array of open source software libraries. 

Next steps

About Canonical 

Canonical, the publisher of Ubuntu, provides open source security, support and services. Our portfolio covers critical systems, from the smallest devices to the largest clouds, from the kernel to containers, from databases to AI. With customers that include top tech brands, emerging startups, governments and home users, Canonical delivers trusted open source for everyone. 

Learn more at https://canonical.com/

on April 25, 2024 03:01 PM

20 years in the making. Ubuntu 24.04 LTS brings together the latest advancements from the Linux ecosystem into a release that is built to empower open source developers and deliver innovation for the next 12 years.

The road to Noble Numbat has proven to be an exciting journey through successively ambitious interim releases, experimenting with new approaches to security (and tackling last minute CVEs), evolving our core desktop apps, and continuing our commitment to performance and compatibility across a wide array of hardware supported by the brand new Linux 6.8 kernel.

Whilst each LTS is a significant milestone, it’s never the final destination. We look forward to extending and expanding on what we’ve delivered today both within the lifecycle of Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and in future releases, always considering how we can live up to our mission, and the values of Ubuntu Desktop.

Let’s get into the details.

Rethinking provisioning

Addressing the fundamental issue of “how do I get Ubuntu on this machine?” is still one of our biggest priorities. Whilst today Ubuntu ships pre-installed on millions of desktops, laptops and workstations around the world thanks to our partnerships with OEMs like Dell, HP and Lenovo, more than ten times as many users install the operating system themselves each year. Here’s what we’re adding to simplify Ubuntu installations.

Unifying the stack

Over the last few interim releases we have aligned the underlying tech stack of the desktop installer to use the same Subiquity back end as Ubuntu server, creating a consistent codebase across both platforms to deliver feature parity and easier maintainability. This is complemented by a brand new front end built in Flutter which has been iterated on significantly over the past year to improve access to accessibility options, increase clarity on the user experience and deliver a polished and improved experience.

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Additional encryption options

As part of this migration we’ve brought ZFS guided install back as a filesystem option and added support for ZFS encryption. We’ve also added improved guidance for dual-boot setups, particularly in relation to BitLocker. One major request from users has been support for hardware-backed full disk encryption and it makes its first appearance in an experimental form in Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. This implementation has certain limitations at launch which restrict its use to those devices that only require a generic kernel with no third party drivers or kernel modules, and does not currently support firmware upgrades. We intend to extend the hardware compatibility of this feature over time within the lifecycle of this release, with support for NVIDIA drivers as our first priority.

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Integrated autoinstall

One of the most exciting new additions is the surfacing of autoinstall support in the graphical installer. Users or enterprises who want to create a customised, repeatable, automated installation flow can now provide the address of a local or remote autoinstall.yaml file and let Subiquity take over from there.

Check out this getting started tutorial to see how easy it is to automate user-creation, install additional apps and configure your filesystem in a format you can use across multiple machines.

This brings us a number of steps closer to the long term goal of zero touch provisioning, and we plan to add additional support for SSO authentication to access protected autoinstall files in a corporate environment at a later date.

New core apps

The new features don’t stop once you’ve installed Ubuntu Desktop. The new App Center (also flutter-based) is another notable highlight, bringing a modern, more performant new look to app discovery with clearer categories and application management functionality. Since its initial launch, the App Center now includes a new ratings service to allow users to vote on the quality of their apps and view an aggregated score from other users. These scores, combined with the other rich meta-data available from the Snap Store, will make it easier for us to deliver additional discovery mechanisms such as top charts, most popular or recently updated.

<noscript> <img alt="" src="https://res.cloudinary.com/canonical/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto,fl_sanitize,c_fill,w_720/https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/3R8SPVbeCTfC-9NIVrlt4v43xhReb3pvwYhMNIhLHJQVxftHjXvHI-YFon6lR7u5hoYWFpd_7P7h2e3u3wsVTktQJ0Ja0d4dlnOCSJ9ruKuxHibBRJJQa1jm0WX4r3L8tOly6NzUVMDubzhsyiuiQiQ" width="720" /> </noscript>

While the App Center defaults to a snap-centric view by default to enable us to deliver these usability features, you can still use it to find and install deb packages via the search toggles.

<noscript> <img alt="" src="https://res.cloudinary.com/canonical/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto,fl_sanitize,c_fill,w_720/https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/G1Gz-ELznUzFKN94qtX6upnV-VsDZeReANgDYTxw932PWYPIZzVDfBaSUxGyZJO2slCzmKH5_5d1xGqHwFJTHAdUW7nQSxUojPg2Kk6Lfa5lNW-lYIbGptFz5tqozfEuGmYF61nwxxQXeli7boDAykg" width="720" /> </noscript>

As part of the new App Center development we’ve split out firmware updates into their own dedicated app. This not only allows a richer experience managing firmware but also improves performance since the old Ubuntu Software application would need to remain permanently running in the background to check for new firmware on previous releases.


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Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 LTS continues our commitment to shipping the latest and greatest GNOME with version 46. This release delivers a host of performance and usability improvements including file manager search and performance, expandable notifications and consolidated settings options for easier access.

As usual, Ubuntu builds on the excellent foundation provided by GNOME with a number of extensions and additions. The colour picker allows users to tailor their desktop highlights to their taste, triple buffering improves performance on Intel and Raspberry Pi graphics drivers and the addition of the Tiling Assistant extension enables quarter screen tiling support for better workspace management.

Consistent networking across desktop and server with Netplan 1.0

<noscript> <img alt="" src="https://res.cloudinary.com/canonical/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto,fl_sanitize,c_fill,w_720/https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/zAd1tCZKZcw3tR49VwEYWzvcuBxgV-jFIavV83cpUceUDSrKd_aX80eXgAXk7bmizKhq8QaWvykG9nHOX8fR0bBaPcvkC9bv4c7NojHisBlfN0j_ujOJVjUXMG2Fty0GT6jnAgzO7PtIcL0wHufgbwU" width="720" /> </noscript>

In Ubuntu 23.10 we included Netplan as the default tool to configure networking on desktop, unifying the stack across server and cloud where Netplan has been the default since 2016. This change enables administrators to consistently configure their Ubuntu estate regardless of platform. With the recent release of Netplan 1.0, all platforms also benefit from new features around wireless compatibility and usability improvements such as netplan status –diff.

It is important to note that Netplan does not replace NetworkManager and will not impact workflows that prefer the previous configuration methods. NetworkManager has bidirectional integration with Netplan, meaning changes made in either configuration are updated and reflected in both.

You can read more about this bidirectionality in Lukas’ previous blog. To find out what’s new in Netplan 1.0, check out his recent announcement.

Comprehensive GPO support with Active Directory

Ubuntu Desktop is highly prevalent in enterprise engineering and data science teams in enterprise, academic and federal institutions around the globe, whilst Windows remains the corporate OS of choice for other departments. Canonical’s Landscape is highly effective at monitoring, managing and reporting on the compliance of Ubuntu instances across desktop, server and cloud, however desktop IT administrators are often looking for solutions that help them manage mixed Ubuntu and Windows devices.

On-premise Active Directory has been the preferred management tool for Windows administrators for many years, and still represents the majority share of organisations. User authentication with Active Directory on Linux has been a standard for some time as part of the System Services Security Daemon (SSSD), however in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS we introduced additional support for Group Policy Objects (GPOs) allowing further compliance configuration. Over the course of our interim releases this GPO support has been expanded to cover the majority device and user policies requested by Active Directory administrators, including:

  • Privilege management and removal of local admins
  • Remote scripts execution
  • Managing apparmor profiles
  • Configuring network shares
  • Configuring proxy settings
  • Certificate autoenrollment

In addition to the pre-existing policies available on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. This delivers a best in class solution for administrators looking to empower their developers with Ubuntu Desktop.

Going forward, our attention is now turning to support third party cloud-based identity providers following a proof of concept implementation of Azure Active Directory enrollment in Ubuntu 23.04. We are currently in the process of expanding on the functionality delivered in that release as part of a new implementation and look forward to talking more about that in the near future.

Finally, for those developers who remain on Windows due to internal policy requirements, we are continuing to invest in enterprise tooling for Ubuntu on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Ubuntu 24.04 LTS supports cloud-init instance initialisation, enabling administrators to seed custom config files on their developer’s machines to create standardised Ubuntu environments. This is a more robust solution than existing import/export workflows and represents the first step toward future management and compliance tooling.

Secure software management in Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 LTS

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Underneath the hood, Ubuntu 24.04 LTS also includes a number of security improvements for those developing and distributing software within the Ubuntu ecosystem. In Ubuntu 23.10 we landed a new version of software-properties that changed the way Personal Package Archives (PPAs) are managed on Ubuntu. 

PPAs are a critical tool for development, testing and customisation, enabling users to install software outside of the official Ubuntu archives. This allows for a great deal of software freedom but also comes with potential security risks due to the access they are granted to your OS. In Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, PPAs are now distributed as deb822-formatted.sources files with their signing key directly embedded into the file’s signed-by field. This establishes a 1:1 relationship between the key and the repository, meaning one key cannot be used to sign multiple repositories and removing a repository also removes its associated key. In addition, APT now requires repositories to be signed using stronger public key algorithms.

Unprivileged user namespace restrictions

Another significant security enhancement is the restriction of unprivileged user namespaces. These are a widely used feature of the Linux kernel that provide additional security isolation for applications that construct their own sandboxes, such as browsers which would then use that space to execute untrusted web content. So far so good, however the ability to create unprivileged user namespaces can expose additional attack surfaces within the Linux kernel and has proven to be a step in a significant number of exploits. In Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, AppAmor is now used to selectively control access to unprivileged user namespaces on a per application basis so that only applications with legitimate need can leverage this functionality.

You can read more about this change as well as a range of other security enhancements to the latest Ubuntu release in the security team’s deep dive.

Improved proposed pocket

The proposed pocket is used as a staging area for software updates prior to their release to the wider Ubuntu user base. In the past this pocket has been an all-or-nothing experience, with users who opt in to updates from proposed needing to take all updates that were available. As a result the chance of introducing system instability was significantly increased, disincentivising those who wanted to provide testing support for specific features in advance of their wider availability.

In Ubuntu 24.04 LTS we have lowered the default apt priority of updates in “proposed” to allow users to specify exactly which packages they want to install and which they want to remain stable. This change is designed to increase the confidence of users who want to test specific features ahead of their general release.

Building the future, together

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This brings us to the end of this deep dive into the motivations and decisions behind just some of the features of the latest Long Term Supported release of Ubuntu Desktop. It has been a challenging and exciting experience to see each of these building blocks come together over the last three interim releases. With Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 LTS our goal has been to build a platform ready to stand the test of time, and the foundation for your next, great open source project.

As always, the story continues. Thank you for joining us.

Get started today

on April 25, 2024 03:00 PM

Ubuntu MATE 24.04 is more of what you like, stable MATE Desktop on top of current Ubuntu. This release rolls up some fixes and more closely aligns with Ubuntu. Read on to learn more 👓️

Ubuntu MATE 24.04 LTS Ubuntu MATE 24.04 LTS

Thank you! 🙇

I’d like to extend my sincere thanks to everyone who has played an active role in improving Ubuntu MATE for this release 👏 I’d like to acknowledge the close collaboration with all the Ubuntu flavour teams and the Ubuntu Foundations and Desktop Teams. The assistance and support provided by Erich Eickmeyer (Ubuntu Studio), Simon Quigley (Lubuntu) and David Muhammed (Ubuntu Budgie) have been invaluable. Thank you! 💚

What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 23.10?

Here are the highlights of what’s changed since the release of Ubuntu MATE 23.10

  • Ships stable MATE Desktop 1.26.2 with a selection of bug fixes 🐛 and minor improvements 🩹 to associated components.
  • Integrated the new ✨ Ubuntu Desktop Bootstrap installer 📀
  • Added GNOME Firmware, that replaces Firmware Updater.
  • Added App Center, that replaces Software Boutique.
  • Retired Ubuntu MATE Welcome; although it is still available for Ubuntu MATE 23.10 and earlier.

Major Applications

Accompanying MATE Desktop 1.26.2 🧉 and Linux 6.8 🐧 are Firefox 125 🔥🦊, Celluloid 0.26 🎥, Evolution 3.52 📧, LibreOffice 24.2.2 📚

See the Ubuntu 24.04 Release Notes for details of all the changes and improvements that Ubuntu MATE benefits from.

Download Ubuntu MATE 24.04

This new release will be first available for PC/Mac users.


Upgrading to Ubuntu MATE 24.04

The upgrade process to Ubuntu MATE 24.04 LTS from either Ubuntu MATE 22.04 LTS or 23.10 is the same as Ubuntu.

There are no offline upgrade options for Ubuntu MATE. Please ensure you have network connectivity to one of the official mirrors or to a locally accessible mirror and follow the instructions above.

on April 25, 2024 02:57 PM

We are pleased to announce the release of the next version of our distro, 24.04 Long Term Support. The LTS version is supported for 3 years while the regular releases are supported for 9 months. The new release rolls-up various fixes and optimizations that the Ubuntu Budgie team have been released since the 22.04 release in April 2022: We also inherits hundreds of stability…


on April 25, 2024 01:37 PM
Thanks to the hard work from our contributors, Lubuntu 24.04 LTS has been released. With the codename Noble Numbat, Lubuntu 24.04 is the 26th release of Lubuntu, the 12th release of Lubuntu with LXQt as the default desktop environment. Download and Support Lifespan With Lubuntu 24.04 being a long-term support interim release, it will follow […]
on April 25, 2024 01:31 PM

The Xubuntu team is happy to announce the immediate release of Xubuntu 24.04.

Xubuntu 24.04, codenamed Noble Numbat, is a long-term support (LTS) release and will be supported for 3 years, until 2027.

Xubuntu 24.04, featuring the latest updates from Xfce 4.18 and GNOME 46.

Xubuntu 24.04 features the latest updates from Xfce 4.18, GNOME 46, and MATE 1.26. For new users and those coming from Xubuntu 22.04, you’ll appreciate the performance, stability, and improved hardware support found in Xubuntu 24.04. Xfce 4.18 is stable, fast, and full of user-friendly features. Enjoy frictionless bluetooth headphone connections and out-of-the-box touchpad support. Updates to our icon theme and wallpapers make Xubuntu feel fresh and stylish.

The final release images for Xubuntu Desktop and Xubuntu Minimal are available as torrents and direct downloads from xubuntu.org/download/.

As the main server might be busy in the first few days after the release, we recommend using the torrents if possible.

We’d like to thank everybody who contributed to this release of Xubuntu!

Highlights and Known Issues


  • Xfce 4.18 is included and well-polished since it’s initial release in December 2022
  • Xubuntu Minimal is included as an officially supported subproject
  • GNOME Software has been replaced by Snap Store and GDebi
  • Snap Desktop Integration is now included for improved snap package support
  • Firmware Updater has been added to enable firmware updates in Xubuntu is included to support firmware updates from the Linux Vendor Firmware Service (LVFS)
  • Thunderbird is now distributed as a Snap package
  • Ubiquity has been replaced by the Flutter-based Ubuntu Installer to provide fast and user-friendly installation
  • Pipewire (and wireplumber) are now included in Xubuntu
  • Improved hardware support for bluetooth headphones and touchpads
  • Color emoji is now included and supported in Firefox, Thunderbird, and newer Gtk-based apps
  • Significantly improved screensaver integration and stability

Known Issues

  • The shutdown prompt may not be displayed at the end of the installation. Instead you might just see a Xubuntu logo, a black screen with an underscore in the upper left hand corner, or just a black screen. Press Enter and the system will reboot into the installed environment. (LP: #1944519)
  • Xorg crashes and the user is logged out after logging in or switching users on some virtual machines, including GNOME Boxes. (LP: #1861609)
  • You may experience choppy audio or poor system performance while playing audio, but only in some virtual machines (observed in VMware and VirtualBox)
  • OEM installation options are not currently supported or available, but will be included for Xubuntu 24.04.1

For more obscure known issues, information on affecting bugs, bug fixes, and a list of new package versions, please refer to the Xubuntu Release Notes.

The main Ubuntu Release Notes cover many of the other packages we carry and more generic issues.


For support with the release, navigate to Help & Support for a complete list of methods to get help.

on April 25, 2024 12:00 PM

With the work that has been done in the debian-installer/netcfg merge-proposal !9 it is possible to install a standard Debian system, using the normal Debian-Installer (d-i) mini.iso images, that will come pre-installed with Netplan and all network configuration structured in /etc/netplan/.

In this write-up, I’d like to run you through a list of commands for experiencing the Netplan enabled installation process first-hand. For now, we’ll be using a custom ISO image, while waiting for the above-mentioned merge-proposal to be landed. Furthermore, as the Debian archive is going through major transitions builds of the “unstable” branch of d-i don’t currently work. So I implemented a small backport, producing updated netcfg and netcfg-static for Bookworm, which can be used as localudebs/ during the d-i build.

Let’s start with preparing a working directory and installing the software dependencies for our virtualized Debian system:

$ mkdir d-i_bookworm && cd d-i_bookworm
$ apt install ovmf qemu-utils qemu-system-x86

Now let’s download the custom mini.iso, linux kernel image and initrd.gz containing the Netplan enablement changes, as mentioned above.

$ wget https://people.ubuntu.com/~slyon/d-i/bookworm/mini.iso
$ wget https://people.ubuntu.com/~slyon/d-i/bookworm/linux
$ wget https://people.ubuntu.com/~slyon/d-i/bookworm/initrd.gz

Next we’ll prepare a VM, by copying the EFI firmware files, preparing some persistent EFIVARs file, to boot from FS0:\EFI\debian\grubx64.efi, and create a virtual disk for our machine:

$ cp /usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE_4M.fd .
$ cp /usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_VARS_4M.fd .
$ qemu-img create -f qcow2 ./data.qcow2 5G

Finally, let’s launch the installer using a custom preseed.cfg file, that will automatically install Netplan for us in the target system. A minimal preseed file could look like this:

# Install minimal Netplan generator binary
d-i preseed/late_command string in-target apt-get -y install netplan-generator

For this demo, we’re installing the full netplan.io package (incl. Python CLI), as the netplan-generator package was not yet split out as an independent binary in the Bookworm cycle. You can choose the preseed file from a set of different variants to test the different configurations:

We’re using the custom linux kernel and initrd.gz here to be able to pass the preseed URL as a parameter to the kernel’s cmdline directly. Launching this VM should bring up the normal debian-installer in its netboot/gtk form:

$ export U=https://people.ubuntu.com/~slyon/d-i/bookworm/netplan-preseed+networkd.cfg
$ qemu-system-x86_64 \
	-M q35 -enable-kvm -cpu host -smp 4 -m 2G \
	-drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=0,file=OVMF_CODE_4M.fd,readonly=on \
	-drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=1,file=OVMF_VARS_4M.fd,readonly=off \
	-device qemu-xhci -device usb-kbd -device usb-mouse \
	-vga none -device virtio-gpu-pci \
	-net nic,model=virtio -net user \
	-kernel ./linux -initrd ./initrd.gz -append "url=$U" \
	-hda ./data.qcow2 -cdrom ./mini.iso;

Now you can click through the normal Debian-Installer process, using mostly default settings. Optionally, you could play around with the networking settings, to see how those get translated to /etc/netplan/ in the target system.

After you confirmed your partitioning changes, the base system gets installed. I suggest not to select any additional components, like desktop environments, to speed up the process.

During the final step of the installation (finish-install.d/55netcfg-copy-config) d-i will detect that Netplan was installed in the target system (due to the preseed file provided) and opt to write its network configuration to /etc/netplan/ instead of /etc/network/interfaces or /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/.

Done! After the installation finished, you can reboot into your virgin Debian Bookworm system.

To do that, quit the current Qemu process, by pressing Ctrl+C and make sure to copy over the EFIVARS.fd file that was written by grub during the installation, so Qemu can find the new system. Then reboot into the new system, not using the mini.iso image any more:

$ cp ./OVMF_VARS_4M.fd ./EFIVARS.fd
$ qemu-system-x86_64 \
        -M q35 -enable-kvm -cpu host -smp 4 -m 2G \
        -drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=0,file=OVMF_CODE_4M.fd,readonly=on \
        -drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=1,file=EFIVARS.fd,readonly=off \
        -device qemu-xhci -device usb-kbd -device usb-mouse \
        -vga none -device virtio-gpu-pci \
        -net nic,model=virtio -net user \
        -drive file=./data.qcow2,if=none,format=qcow2,id=disk0 \
        -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=disk0,bootindex=1
        -serial mon:stdio

Finally, you can play around with your Netplan enabled Debian system! As you will find, /etc/network/interfaces exists but is empty, it could still be used (optionally/additionally). Netplan was configured in /etc/netplan/ according to the settings given during the d-i installation process.

In our case, we also installed the Netplan CLI, so we can play around with some of its features, like netplan status:

Thank you for following along the Netplan enabled Debian installation process and happy hacking! If you want to learn more, join the discussion at Salsa:installer-team/netcfg and find us at GitHub:netplan.

on April 25, 2024 10:19 AM

E296 Nobre Mirmecóbio Refrigerado

Podcast Ubuntu Portugal

Desta vez recebemos a visita do André Bação e a conversa seguiu animada em torno de leis de termodinâmica, panelas de esquentadores, alegria de famílias chinesas, computadores azeiteiros e - como não podia deixar de ser - casas espertas. Ainda falámos da última beta de Ubuntu 24.04 e descobrimos que há empacotadores chamados Carlão. Nos próximos dias vai haver muita celebração da Liberdade na comunidade do Software Livre e todos vamos querer lá estar! 25 de Abril Sempre, Software Proprietário Nunca Mais!

Já sabem: oiçam, subscrevam e partilhem!


Podem apoiar o podcast usando os links de afiliados do Humble Bundle, porque ao usarem esses links para fazer uma compra, uma parte do valor que pagam reverte a favor do Podcast Ubuntu Portugal. E podem obter tudo isso com 15 dólares ou diferentes partes dependendo de pagarem 1, ou 8. Achamos que isto vale bem mais do que 15 dólares, pelo que se puderem paguem mais um pouco mais visto que têm a opção de pagar o quanto quiserem. Se estiverem interessados em outros bundles não listados nas notas usem o link https://www.humblebundle.com/?partner=PUP e vão estar também a apoiar-nos.

Atribuição e licenças

Este episódio foi produzido por Diogo Constantino, Miguel e Tiago Carrondo e editado pelo Senhor Podcast. O website é produzido por Tiago Carrondo e o código aberto está licenciado nos termos da Licença MIT. A música do genérico é: “Won’t see it comin’ (Feat Aequality & N’sorte d’autruche)”, por Alpha Hydrae e está licenciada nos termos da CC0 1.0 Universal License. Este episódio e a imagem utilizada estão licenciados nos termos da licença: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), cujo texto integral pode ser lido aqui. Estamos abertos a licenciar para permitir outros tipos de utilização, contactem-nos para validação e autorização.

on April 25, 2024 12:00 AM

April 24, 2024

Ubuntu MATE 23.10 is more of what you like, stable MATE Desktop on top of current Ubuntu. This release rolls up a number of bugs fixes and updates that continues to build on recent releases, where the focus has been on improving stability 🪨

Ubuntu MATE 23.10 Ubuntu MATE 23.10

Thank you! 🙇

I’d like to extend my sincere thanks to everyone who has played an active role in improving Ubuntu MATE for this release 👏 From reporting bugs, submitting translations, providing patches, contributing to our crowd-funding, developing new features, creating artwork, offering community support, actively testing and providing QA feedback to writing documentation or creating this fabulous website. Thank you! 💚

What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 23.04?

Here are the highlights of what’s changed since the release of Ubuntu MATE 23.04

MATE Desktop

MATE Desktop has been updated to 1.26.2 with a selection of bugs fixes 🐛 and minor improvements 🩹 to associated components.

  • caja-rename 23.10.1-1 has been ported from Python to C.
  • libmatemixer 1.26.0-2+deb12u1 resolves heap corruption and application crashes when removing USB audio devices.
  • mate-desktop 1.26.2-1 improves portals support.
  • mate-notification-daemon 1.26.1-1 fixes several memory leaks.
  • mate-system-monitor 1.26.0-5 now picks up libexec files from /usr/libexec
  • mate-session-manager 1.26.1-2 set LIBEXECDIR to /usr/libexec/ for correct interaction with mate-system-monitor ☝️
  • mate-user-guide 1.26.2-1 is a new upstream release.
  • mate-utils 1.26.1-1 fixes several memory leaks.

Yet more AI Generated wallpaper

My friend Simon Butcher 🇬🇧 is Head of Research Platforms at Queen Mary University of London managing the Apocrita HPC cluster service. Once again, Simon has created a stunning AI-generated 🤖🧠 wallpaper for Ubuntu MATE using bleeding edge diffusion models 🖌 The sample below is 1920x1080 but the version included in Ubuntu MATE 23.10 are 3840x2160.

Here’s what Simon has to say about the process of creating this new wallpaper for Mantic Minotaur:

Since Minotaurs are imaginary creatures, interpretations tend to vary widely. I wanted to produce an image of a powerful creature in a graphic novel style, although not gruesome like many depictions. The latest open source Stable Diffusion XL base model was trained at a higher resolution and the difference in quality has been noticeable, particularly at better overall consistency and detail, while reducing anatomical irregularities in images. The image was produced locally using Linux and an NVIDIA A100 80GB GPU, starting from an initial text prompt and refined using img2img, inpainting and upscaling features.

Major Applications

Accompanying MATE Desktop 1.26.2 🧉 and Linux 6.5 🐧 are Firefox 118 🔥🦊, Celluloid 0.25 🎥, Evolution 3.50 📧, LibreOffice 7.6.1 📚

See the Ubuntu 23.10 Release Notes for details of all the changes and improvements that Ubuntu MATE benefits from.

Download Ubuntu MATE 23.10

This new release will be first available for PC/Mac users.


Upgrading from Ubuntu MATE 23.04

You can upgrade to Ubuntu MATE 23.10 from Ubuntu MATE 23.04. Ensure that you have all updates installed for your current version of Ubuntu MATE before you upgrade.

  • Open the “Software & Updates” from the Control Center.
  • Select the 3rd Tab called “Updates”.
  • Set the “Notify me of a new Ubuntu version” drop down menu to “For any new version”.
  • Press Alt+F2 and type in update-manager -c -d into the command box.
  • Update Manager should open up and tell you: New distribution release ‘23.10’ is available.
    • If not, you can use /usr/lib/ubuntu-release-upgrader/check-new-release-gtk
  • Click “Upgrade” and follow the on-screen instructions.

There are no offline upgrade options for Ubuntu MATE. Please ensure you have network connectivity to one of the official mirrors or to a locally accessible mirror and follow the instructions above.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

on April 24, 2024 09:55 PM

April 22, 2024

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 836 for the week of April 14 – 20, 2024. The full version of this issue is available here.

In this issue we cover:

  • Noble Numbat (24.04) Final Freeze
  • Ubuntu Stats
  • Hot in Support
  • Ubucon Latin America 2024 – Llamado a conferencias y talleres!
  • FOSSASIA Summit 2024 Recap!
  • Guide to submitting presentation proposals for UbuCon Korea 2024
  • Agenda of Activities for the Latin American Free Software Installation Festival (FLISOL) in Mérida
  • LoCo Events
  • Lubuntu Council 2024 Election Results
  • Upcoming AppArmor Security update for CVE-2016-1585
  • New feature: Ubuntu Snapshot Service
  • Release v0.2.0 of “miracle-wm”, a Wayland compositor built on Mir
  • Ubuntu Budgie 24.04 Release Notes
  • Ubuntu Cloud News
  • Canonical News
  • In the Blogosphere
  • Other Articles of Interest
  • Featured Audio and Video
  • Meeting Reports
  • Upcoming Meetings and Events
  • Updates and Security for Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, and 23.10
  • And much more!

The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • Krytarik Raido
  • Bashing-om
  • Chris Guiver
  • Wild Man
  • And many others

If you have a story idea for the Weekly Newsletter, join the Ubuntu News Team mailing list and submit it. Ideas can also be added to the wiki!


on April 22, 2024 10:22 PM

April 18, 2024

E295 Viagem À Quinta Dimensão

Podcast Ubuntu Portugal

Por ocasião da Wikicon Portugal 2024 em Évora, caímos numa anomalia gravitacional no tecido espacio-temporal e viajámos até à Quinta Dimensão, um Cosmódromo de Ideias e depósito de Raspberry Pi. Fomos recebidos por João Bacelar (um ser humano da mesma espécie de Carl Sagan), que orbita uma estrela de luminosidade classe V (do tipo espectral G) à velocidade de 30 Km por segundo; técnico de som, criador multimédia, programador, astrónomo amador, rádio amador e entusiasta do Software Livre, estivemos em conversa amena com ele num cenário bucólico e rural, rodeados de bichos vários, banhados por radiação ultra-violeta e neutrinos, debaixo de uma camada de 7 Km de Azoto e Oxigénio à pressão de 1014.7 Hectopascal.

Já sabem: oiçam, subscrevam e partilhem!


Podem apoiar o podcast usando os links de afiliados do Humble Bundle, porque ao usarem esses links para fazer uma compra, uma parte do valor que pagam reverte a favor do Podcast Ubuntu Portugal. E podem obter tudo isso com 15 dólares ou diferentes partes dependendo de pagarem 1, ou 8. Achamos que isto vale bem mais do que 15 dólares, pelo que se puderem paguem mais um pouco mais visto que têm a opção de pagar o quanto quiserem. Se estiverem interessados em outros bundles não listados nas notas usem o link https://www.humblebundle.com/?partner=PUP e vão estar também a apoiar-nos.

Atribuição e licenças

Este episódio foi produzido por Diogo Constantino, Miguel e Tiago Carrondo e editado pelo Senhor Podcast. O website é produzido por Tiago Carrondo e o código aberto está licenciado nos termos da Licença MIT. A música do genérico é: “Won’t see it comin’ (Feat Aequality & N’sorte d’autruche)”, por Alpha Hydrae e está licenciada nos termos da CC0 1.0 Universal License. Este episódio e a imagem utilizada estão licenciados nos termos da licença: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), cujo texto integral pode ser lido aqui. Estamos abertos a licenciar para permitir outros tipos de utilização, contactem-nos para validação e autorização.

on April 18, 2024 12:00 AM

April 15, 2024

Ubuntu Budgie 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat) is a Long Term Support release with 3 years of support by your distro maintainers, from April 2024 to May 2027. These release notes showcase the key takeaways for 22.04 upgraders to 24.04. In these release notes the areas covered are: Quarter & half tiling is pretty much self-explaining. Dragging a window to the…


on April 15, 2024 09:02 PM

April 13, 2024

Domo Arigato, Mr. debugfs

Paul Tagliamonte

Years ago, at what I think I remember was DebConf 15, I hacked for a while on debhelper to write build-ids to debian binary control files, so that the build-id (more specifically, the ELF note .note.gnu.build-id) wound up in the Debian apt archive metadata. I’ve always thought this was super cool, and seeing as how Michael Stapelberg blogged some great pointers around the ecosystem, including the fancy new debuginfod service, and the find-dbgsym-packages helper, which uses these same headers, I don’t think I’m the only one.

At work I’ve been using a lot of rust, specifically, async rust using tokio. To try and work on my style, and to dig deeper into the how and why of the decisions made in these frameworks, I’ve decided to hack up a project that I’ve wanted to do ever since 2015 – write a debug filesystem. Let’s get to it.

Back to the Future

Time to admit something. I really love Plan 9. It’s just so good. So many ideas from Plan 9 are just so prescient, and everything just feels right. Not just right like, feels good – like, correct. The bit that I’ve always liked the most is 9p, the network protocol for serving a filesystem over a network. This leads to all sorts of fun programs, like the Plan 9 ftp client being a 9p server – you mount the ftp server and access files like any other files. It’s kinda like if fuse were more fully a part of how the operating system worked, but fuse is all running client-side. With 9p there’s a single client, and different servers that you can connect to, which may be backed by a hard drive, remote resources over something like SFTP, FTP, HTTP or even purely synthetic.

The interesting (maybe sad?) part here is that 9p wound up outliving Plan 9 in terms of adoption – 9p is in all sorts of places folks don’t usually expect. For instance, the Windows Subsystem for Linux uses the 9p protocol to share files between Windows and Linux. ChromeOS uses it to share files with Crostini, and qemu uses 9p (virtio-p9) to share files between guest and host. If you’re noticing a pattern here, you’d be right; for some reason 9p is the go-to protocol to exchange files between hypervisor and guest. Why? I have no idea, except maybe due to being designed well, simple to implement, and it’s a lot easier to validate the data being shared and validate security boundaries. Simplicity has its value.

As a result, there’s a lot of lingering 9p support kicking around. Turns out Linux can even handle mounting 9p filesystems out of the box. This means that I can deploy a filesystem to my LAN or my localhost by running a process on top of a computer that needs nothing special, and mount it over the network on an unmodified machine – unlike fuse, where you’d need client-specific software to run in order to mount the directory. For instance, let’s mount a 9p filesystem running on my localhost machine, serving requests on (tcp) that goes by the name “mountpointname” to /mnt.

$ mount -t 9p \
-o trans=tcp,port=564,version=9p2000.u,aname=mountpointname \ \

Linux will mount away, and attach to the filesystem as the root user, and by default, attach to that mountpoint again for each local user that attempts to use it. Nifty, right? I think so. The server is able to keep track of per-user access and authorization along with the host OS.


Since I wanted to push myself a bit more with rust and tokio specifically, I opted to implement the whole stack myself, without third party libraries on the critical path where I could avoid it. The 9p protocol (sometimes called Styx, the original name for it) is incredibly simple. It’s a series of client to server requests, which receive a server to client response. These are, respectively, “T” messages, which transmit a request to the server, which trigger an “R” message in response (Reply messages). These messages are TLV payload with a very straight forward structure – so straight forward, in fact, that I was able to implement a working server off nothing more than a handful of man pages.

Later on after the basics worked, I found a more complete spec page that contains more information about the unix specific variant that I opted to use (9P2000.u rather than 9P2000) due to the level of Linux specific support for the 9P2000.u variant over the 9P2000 protocol.


The backend stack over at zoo is rust and tokio running i/o for an HTTP and WebRTC server. I figured I’d pick something fairly similar to write my filesystem with, since 9P can be implemented on basically anything with I/O. That means tokio tcp server bits, which construct and use a 9p server, which has an idiomatic Rusty API that partially abstracts the raw R and T messages, but not so much as to cause issues with hiding implementation possibilities. At each abstraction level, there’s an escape hatch – allowing someone to implement any of the layers if required. I called this framework arigato which can be found over on docs.rs and crates.io.

/// Simplified version of the arigato File trait; this isn't actually
/// the same trait; there's some small cosmetic differences. The
/// actual trait can be found at:
/// https://docs.rs/arigato/latest/arigato/server/trait.File.html
trait File {
/// OpenFile is the type returned by this File via an Open call.
 type OpenFile: OpenFile;
/// Return the 9p Qid for this file. A file is the same if the Qid is
 /// the same. A Qid contains information about the mode of the file,
 /// version of the file, and a unique 64 bit identifier.
 fn qid(&self) -> Qid;
/// Construct the 9p Stat struct with metadata about a file.
 async fn stat(&self) -> FileResult<Stat>;
/// Attempt to update the file metadata.
 async fn wstat(&mut self, s: &Stat) -> FileResult<()>;
/// Traverse the filesystem tree.
 async fn walk(&self, path: &[&str]) -> FileResult<(Option<Self>, Vec<Self>)>;
/// Request that a file's reference be removed from the file tree.
 async fn unlink(&mut self) -> FileResult<()>;
/// Create a file at a specific location in the file tree.
 async fn create(
&mut self,
name: &str,
perm: u16,
ty: FileType,
mode: OpenMode,
extension: &str,
) -> FileResult<Self>;
/// Open the File, returning a handle to the open file, which handles
 /// file i/o. This is split into a second type since it is genuinely
 /// unrelated -- and the fact that a file is Open or Closed can be
 /// handled by the `arigato` server for us.
 async fn open(&mut self, mode: OpenMode) -> FileResult<Self::OpenFile>;
/// Simplified version of the arigato OpenFile trait; this isn't actually
/// the same trait; there's some small cosmetic differences. The
/// actual trait can be found at:
/// https://docs.rs/arigato/latest/arigato/server/trait.OpenFile.html
trait OpenFile {
/// iounit to report for this file. The iounit reported is used for Read
 /// or Write operations to signal, if non-zero, the maximum size that is
 /// guaranteed to be transferred atomically.
 fn iounit(&self) -> u32;
/// Read some number of bytes up to `buf.len()` from the provided
 /// `offset` of the underlying file. The number of bytes read is
 /// returned.
 async fn read_at(
&mut self,
buf: &mut [u8],
offset: u64,
) -> FileResult<u32>;
/// Write some number of bytes up to `buf.len()` from the provided
 /// `offset` of the underlying file. The number of bytes written
 /// is returned.
 fn write_at(
&mut self,
buf: &mut [u8],
offset: u64,
) -> FileResult<u32>;

Thanks, decade ago paultag!

Let’s do it! Let’s use arigato to implement a 9p filesystem we’ll call debugfs that will serve all the debug files shipped according to the Packages metadata from the apt archive. We’ll fetch the Packages file and construct a filesystem based on the reported Build-Id entries. For those who don’t know much about how an apt repo works, here’s the 2-second crash course on what we’re doing. The first is to fetch the Packages file, which is specific to a binary architecture (such as amd64, arm64 or riscv64). That architecture is specific to a component (such as main, contrib or non-free). That component is specific to a suite, such as stable, unstable or any of its aliases (bullseye, bookworm, etc). Let’s take a look at the Packages.xz file for the unstable-debug suite, main component, for all amd64 binaries.

$ curl \
https://deb.debian.org/debian-debug/dists/unstable-debug/main/binary-amd64/Packages.xz \
| unxz

This will return the Debian-style rfc2822-like headers, which is an export of the metadata contained inside each .deb file which apt (or other tools that can use the apt repo format) use to fetch information about debs. Let’s take a look at the debug headers for the netlabel-tools package in unstable – which is a package named netlabel-tools-dbgsym in unstable-debug.

Package: netlabel-tools-dbgsym
Source: netlabel-tools (0.30.0-1)
Version: 0.30.0-1+b1
Installed-Size: 79
Maintainer: Paul Tagliamonte <paultag@debian.org>
Architecture: amd64
Depends: netlabel-tools (= 0.30.0-1+b1)
Description: debug symbols for netlabel-tools
Auto-Built-Package: debug-symbols
Build-Ids: e59f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a
Description-md5: a0e587a0cf730c88a4010f78562e6db7
Section: debug
Priority: optional
Filename: pool/main/n/netlabel-tools/netlabel-tools-dbgsym_0.30.0-1+b1_amd64.deb
Size: 62776
SHA256: 0e9bdb087617f0350995a84fb9aa84541bc4df45c6cd717f2157aa83711d0c60

So here, we can parse the package headers in the Packages.xz file, and store, for each Build-Id, the Filename where we can fetch the .deb at. Each .deb contains a number of files – but we’re only really interested in the files inside the .deb located at or under /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/, which you can find in debugfs under rfc822.rs. It’s crude, and very single-purpose, but I’m feeling a bit lazy.

Who needs dpkg?!

For folks who haven’t seen it yet, a .deb file is a special type of .ar file, that contains (usually) three files inside – debian-binary, control.tar.xz and data.tar.xz. The core of an .ar file is a fixed size (60 byte) entry header, followed by the specified size number of bytes.

[8 byte .ar file magic]
[60 byte entry header]
[N bytes of data]
[60 byte entry header]
[N bytes of data]
[60 byte entry header]
[N bytes of data]

First up was to implement a basic ar parser in ar.rs. Before we get into using it to parse a deb, as a quick diversion, let’s break apart a .deb file by hand – something that is a bit of a rite of passage (or at least it used to be? I’m getting old) during the Debian nm (new member) process, to take a look at where exactly the .debug file lives inside the .deb file.

$ ar x netlabel-tools-dbgsym_0.30.0-1+b1_amd64.deb
$ ls
control.tar.xz debian-binary
data.tar.xz netlabel-tools-dbgsym_0.30.0-1+b1_amd64.deb
$ tar --list -f data.tar.xz | grep '.debug$'

Since we know quite a bit about the structure of a .deb file, and I had to implement support from scratch anyway, I opted to implement a (very!) basic debfile parser using HTTP Range requests. HTTP Range requests, if supported by the server (denoted by a accept-ranges: bytes HTTP header in response to an HTTP HEAD request to that file) means that we can add a header such as range: bytes=8-68 to specifically request that the returned GET body be the byte range provided (in the above case, the bytes starting from byte offset 8 until byte offset 68). This means we can fetch just the ar file entry from the .deb file until we get to the file inside the .deb we are interested in (in our case, the data.tar.xz file) – at which point we can request the body of that file with a final range request. I wound up writing a struct to handle a read_at-style API surface in hrange.rs, which we can pair with ar.rs above and start to find our data in the .deb remotely without downloading and unpacking the .deb at all.

After we have the body of the data.tar.xz coming back through the HTTP response, we get to pipe it through an xz decompressor (this kinda sucked in Rust, since a tokio AsyncRead is not the same as an http Body response is not the same as std::io::Read, is not the same as an async (or sync) Iterator is not the same as what the xz2 crate expects; leading me to read blocks of data to a buffer and stuff them through the decoder by looping over the buffer for each lzma2 packet in a loop), and tarfile parser (similarly troublesome). From there we get to iterate over all entries in the tarfile, stopping when we reach our file of interest. Since we can’t seek, but gdb needs to, we’ll pull it out of the stream into a Cursor<Vec<u8>> in-memory and pass a handle to it back to the user.

From here on out its a matter of gluing together a File traited struct in debugfs, and serving the filesystem over TCP using arigato. Done deal!

A quick diversion about compression

I was originally hoping to avoid transferring the whole tar file over the network (and therefore also reading the whole debug file into ram, which objectively sucks), but quickly hit issues with figuring out a way around seeking around an xz file. What’s interesting is xz has a great primitive to solve this specific problem (specifically, use a block size that allows you to seek to the block as close to your desired seek position just before it, only discarding at most block size - 1 bytes), but data.tar.xz files generated by dpkg appear to have a single mega-huge block for the whole file. I don’t know why I would have expected any different, in retrospect. That means that this now devolves into the base case of “How do I seek around an lzma2 compressed data stream”; which is a lot more complex of a question.

Thankfully, notoriously brilliant tianon was nice enough to introduce me to Jon Johnson who did something super similar – adapted a technique to seek inside a compressed gzip file, which lets his service oci.dag.dev seek through Docker container images super fast based on some prior work such as soci-snapshotter, gztool, and zran.c. He also pulled this party trick off for apk based distros over at apk.dag.dev, which seems apropos. Jon was nice enough to publish a lot of his work on this specifically in a central place under the name “targz” on his GitHub, which has been a ton of fun to read through.

The gist is that, by dumping the decompressor’s state (window of previous bytes, in-memory data derived from the last N-1 bytes) at specific “checkpoints” along with the compressed data stream offset in bytes and decompressed offset in bytes, one can seek to that checkpoint in the compressed stream and pick up where you left off – creating a similar “block” mechanism against the wishes of gzip. It means you’d need to do an O(n) run over the file, but every request after that will be sped up according to the number of checkpoints you’ve taken.

Given the complexity of xz and lzma2, I don’t think this is possible for me at the moment – especially given most of the files I’ll be requesting will not be loaded from again – especially when I can “just” cache the debug header by Build-Id. I want to implement this (because I’m generally curious and Jon has a way of getting someone excited about compression schemes, which is not a sentence I thought I’d ever say out loud), but for now I’m going to move on without this optimization. Such a shame, since it kills a lot of the work that went into seeking around the .deb file in the first place, given the debian-binary and control.tar.gz members are so small.

The Good

First, the good news right? It works! That’s pretty cool. I’m positive my younger self would be amused and happy to see this working; as is current day paultag. Let’s take debugfs out for a spin! First, we need to mount the filesystem. It even works on an entirely unmodified, stock Debian box on my LAN, which is huge. Let’s take it for a spin:

$ mount \
-t 9p \
-o trans=tcp,version=9p2000.u,aname=unstable-debug \ \

And, let’s prove to ourselves that this actually mounted before we go trying to use it:

$ mount | grep build-id on /usr/lib/debug/.build-id type 9p (rw,relatime,aname=unstable-debug,access=user,trans=tcp,version=9p2000.u,port=564)

Slick. We’ve got an open connection to the server, where our host will keep a connection alive as root, attached to the filesystem provided in aname. Let’s take a look at it.

$ ls /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/
00 0d 1a 27 34 41 4e 5b 68 75 82 8E 9b a8 b5 c2 CE db e7 f3
01 0e 1b 28 35 42 4f 5c 69 76 83 8f 9c a9 b6 c3 cf dc E7 f4
02 0f 1c 29 36 43 50 5d 6a 77 84 90 9d aa b7 c4 d0 dd e8 f5
03 10 1d 2a 37 44 51 5e 6b 78 85 91 9e ab b8 c5 d1 de e9 f6
04 11 1e 2b 38 45 52 5f 6c 79 86 92 9f ac b9 c6 d2 df ea f7
05 12 1f 2c 39 46 53 60 6d 7a 87 93 a0 ad ba c7 d3 e0 eb f8
06 13 20 2d 3a 47 54 61 6e 7b 88 94 a1 ae bb c8 d4 e1 ec f9
07 14 21 2e 3b 48 55 62 6f 7c 89 95 a2 af bc c9 d5 e2 ed fa
08 15 22 2f 3c 49 56 63 70 7d 8a 96 a3 b0 bd ca d6 e3 ee fb
09 16 23 30 3d 4a 57 64 71 7e 8b 97 a4 b1 be cb d7 e4 ef fc
0a 17 24 31 3e 4b 58 65 72 7f 8c 98 a5 b2 bf cc d8 E4 f0 fd
0b 18 25 32 3f 4c 59 66 73 80 8d 99 a6 b3 c0 cd d9 e5 f1 fe
0c 19 26 33 40 4d 5a 67 74 81 8e 9a a7 b4 c1 ce da e6 f2 ff

Outstanding. Let’s try using gdb to debug a binary that was provided by the Debian archive, and see if it’ll load the ELF by build-id from the right .deb in the unstable-debug suite:

$ gdb -q /usr/sbin/netlabelctl
Reading symbols from /usr/sbin/netlabelctl...
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e5/9f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a.debug...

Yes! Yes it will!

$ file /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e5/9f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a.debug
/usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e5/9f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a.debug: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter *empty*, BuildID[sha1]=e59f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, with debug_info, not stripped

The Bad

Linux’s support for 9p is mainline, which is great, but it’s not robust. Network issues or server restarts will wedge the mountpoint (Linux can’t reconnect when the tcp connection breaks), and things that work fine on local filesystems get translated in a way that causes a lot of network chatter – for instance, just due to the way the syscalls are translated, doing an ls, will result in a stat call for each file in the directory, even though linux had just got a stat entry for every file while it was resolving directory names. On top of that, Linux will serialize all I/O with the server, so there’s no concurrent requests for file information, writes, or reads pending at the same time to the server; and read and write throughput will degrade as latency increases due to increasing round-trip time, even though there are offsets included in the read and write calls. It works well enough, but is frustrating to run up against, since there’s not a lot you can do server-side to help with this beyond implementing the 9P2000.L variant (which, maybe is worth it).

The Ugly

Unfortunately, we don’t know the file size(s) until we’ve actually opened the underlying tar file and found the correct member, so for most files, we don’t know the real size to report when getting a stat. We can’t parse the tarfiles for every stat call, since that’d make ls even slower (bummer). Only hiccup is that when I report a filesize of zero, gdb throws a bit of a fit; let’s try with a size of 0 to start:

$ ls -lah /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e5/9f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a.debug
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Dec 31 1969 /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e5/9f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a.debug
$ gdb -q /usr/sbin/netlabelctl
Reading symbols from /usr/sbin/netlabelctl...
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e5/9f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a.debug...
warning: Discarding section .note.gnu.build-id which has a section size (24) larger than the file size [in module /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e5/9f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a.debug]

This obviously won’t work since gdb will throw away all our hard work because of stat’s output, and neither will loading the real size of the underlying file. That only leaves us with hardcoding a file size and hope nothing else breaks significantly as a result. Let’s try it again:

$ ls -lah /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e5/9f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a.debug
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 954M Dec 31 1969 /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e5/9f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a.debug
$ gdb -q /usr/sbin/netlabelctl
Reading symbols from /usr/sbin/netlabelctl...
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e5/9f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a.debug...

Much better. I mean, terrible but better. Better for now, anyway.

Kilroy was here

Do I think this is a particularly good idea? I mean; kinda. I’m probably going to make some fun 9p arigato-based filesystems for use around my LAN, but I don’t think I’ll be moving to use debugfs until I can figure out how to ensure the connection is more resilient to changing networks, server restarts and fixes on i/o performance. I think it was a useful exercise and is a pretty great hack, but I don’t think this’ll be shipping anywhere anytime soon.

Along with me publishing this post, I’ve pushed up all my repos; so you should be able to play along at home! There’s a lot more work to be done on arigato; but it does handshake and successfully export a working 9P2000.u filesystem. Check it out on on my github at arigato, debugfs and also on crates.io and docs.rs.

At least I can say I was here and I got it working after all these years.

on April 13, 2024 01:27 PM

April 12, 2024

It has been a very busy couple of weeks as we worked against some major transitions and a security fix that required a rebuild of the $world. I am happy to report that against all odds we have a beta release! You can read all about it here: https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-24-04-beta-released/ Post beta freeze I have already begun pushing our fixes for known issues today. A big one being our new branding! Very exciting times in the Kubuntu world.

In the snap world I will be using my free time to start knocking out KDE applications ( not covered by the project ). I have also recruited some help, so you should start seeing these pop up in the edge channel very soon!

Now that we are nearing the release of Noble Numbat, my contract is coming to an end with Kubuntu. If you would like to see Plasma 6 in the next release and in a PPA for Noble, please consider donating to extend my contract at https://kubuntu.org/donate !

On a personal level, I am still looking to help with my grandson and you can find that here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/in-loving-memory-of-william-billy-dean-scalf

Thanks for stopping by,


on April 12, 2024 07:29 PM

Kubuntu 24.04 Beta Released

Kubuntu General News

Join the Excitement:

Test Kubuntu 24.04 Beta and Experience Innovation with KubuQA!

We’re thrilled to announce the availability of the Kubuntu 24.04 Beta! This release is packed with new features and enhancements, and we’re inviting you, our valued community, to join us in fine-tuning this exciting new version. Whether you’re a seasoned tester or new to software testing, your feedback is crucial to making Kubuntu 24.04 the best it can be.

To make your testing journey as easy as pie, we’re introducing a fantastic new tool: KubuQA. Designed with both new and experienced users in mind, KubuQA simplifies the testing process by automating the download, VirtualBox setup, and configuration steps. Now, everyone can participate in testing Kubuntu with ease!

This beta release also debuts our fresh new branding, artwork, and wallpapers—created and chosen by our own community through recent branding and wallpaper contests. These additions reflect the spirit and creativity of the Kubuntu family, and we can’t wait for you to see them.

Get Testing

By participating in the beta testing of Kubuntu 24.04, you’re not just helping improve the software; you’re becoming an integral part of a global community that values open collaboration and innovation. Your contributions help us identify and fix issues, ensuring Kubuntu remains a high-quality, stable, and user-friendly Linux distribution.

The benefits of joining our testing team extend beyond improving the software. You’ll gain valuable experience, meet like-minded individuals, and perhaps discover a new passion in the world of open-source software.

So why wait? Download the Kubuntu 24.04 Beta today, try out KubuQA, or follow our wiki to upgrade and help us make Kubuntu better than ever! Remember, your feedback is the key to our success.

Ready to make an impact?

Join us in this exciting phase of development and see your ideas come to life in Kubuntu. Plus, enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve contributed to a project used by millions around the world. Become a tester today and be part of something big!

Interested in more than testing?

By the way, have you thought about becoming a member of the Kubuntu Community? It’s a fantastic way to contribute more actively and help shape the future of Kubuntu. Learn more about joining the community.

on April 12, 2024 06:54 PM

The Ubuntu Studio team is pleased to announce the beta release of Ubuntu Studio 24.04 LTS, codenamed “Noble Numbat”.

While this beta is reasonably free of any showstopper installer bugs, you will find some bugs within. This image is, however, mostly representative of what you will find when Ubuntu Studio 24.04 is released on April 25, 2024.

Special Notes

The Ubuntu Studio 24.04 LTS disk image (ISO) exceeds 4 GB and cannot be downloaded to some file systems such as FAT32 and may not be readable when burned to a DVD. For this reason, we recommend downloading to a compatible file system. When creating a boot medium, we recommend creating a bootable USB stick with the ISO image or burning to a Dual-Layer DVD.

Images can be obtained from this link: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/24.04/beta/

Full updated information, including Upgrade Instructions, are available in the Release Notes.

Please note that upgrading before the release of 24.04.1, due August 2024, is unsupported.

New Features This Release

  • PipeWire continues to improve with every release and is so robust it can be used for professional and prosumer use. Version 1.0.4
  • Ubuntu Studio Installer‘s included Ubuntu Studio Audio Configuration utility for fine-tuning the PipeWire setup or changing the configuration altogether now includes the ability to create or remove a dummy audio device. Version 1.9

Major Package Upgrades

  • Ardour version 8.4.0
  • Qtractor version 0.9.39
  • OBS Studio version 30.0.2
  • Audacity version 3.4.2
  • digiKam version 8.2.0
  • Kdenlive version 23.08.5
  • Krita version 5.2.2

There are many other improvements, too numerous to list here. We encourage you to look around the freely-downloadable ISO image.

Known Issues

  • Ubuntu Studio’s classic PulseAudio-JACK configuration cannot be used on Ubuntu Desktop (GNOME) due to a known issue with the ubuntu-desktop metapackage. (LP: #2033440)
  • We now discourage the use of the aforementioned classic PulseAudio-JACK configuration as PulseAudio is becoming deprecated with time in favor of PipeWire. PipeWire’s JACK configuration can be disabled to use JACK2 via QJackCTL for advanced users.
  • Due to the Ubuntu repositories being in-flux following the time_t transition and xz-utils security issue resolution, some items in the repository are uninstallable or causing other packaging conflicts. The Ubuntu Release Team is working around the clock to help resolve these issues, so patience is required.

Official Ubuntu Studio release notes can be found at https://ubuntustudio.org/ubuntu-studio-24-04-LTS-release-notes/

Further known issues, mostly pertaining to the desktop environment, can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NobleNumbat/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu

Additionally, the main Ubuntu release notes contain more generic issues: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/noble-numbat-release-notes/39890

How You Can Help

Please test using the test cases on https://iso.qa.ubuntu.com. All you need is a Launchpad account to get started.

Additionally, we need financial contributions. Our project lead, Erich Eickmeyer, is working long hours on this project and trying to generate a part-time income. See this post as to the reasons why and go here to see how you can contribute financially (options are also in the sidebar).

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does Ubuntu Studio contain snaps?
A: Yes. Mozilla’s distribution agreement with Canonical changed, and Ubuntu was forced to no longer distribute Firefox in a native .deb package. We have found that, after numerous improvements, Firefox now performs just as well as the native .deb package did.

Thunderbird has become a snap this cycle in order for the maintainers to get security patches delivered faster.

Additionally, Freeshow is an Electron-based application. Electron-based applications cannot be packaged in the Ubuntu repositories in that they cannot be packaged in a traditional Debian source package. While such apps do have a build system to create a .deb binary package, it circumvents the source package build system in Launchpad, which is required when packaging for Ubuntu. However, Electron apps also have a facility for creating snaps, which can be uploaded and included. Therefore, for Freeshow to be included in Ubuntu Studio, it had to be packaged as a snap.

Q: If I install this Beta release, will I have to reinstall when the final release comes out?
A: No. If you keep it updated, your installation will automatically become the final release. However, if Audacity returns to the Ubuntu repositories before final release, then you might end-up with a double-installation of Audacity. Removal instructions of one or the other will be made available in a future post.

Q: Will you make an ISO with {my favorite desktop environment}?
A: To do so would require creating an entirely new flavor of Ubuntu, which would require going through the Official Ubuntu Flavor application process. Since we’re completely volunteer-run, we don’t have the time or resources to do this. Instead, we recommend you download the official flavor for the desktop environment of your choice and use Ubuntu Studio Installer to get Ubuntu Studio – which does *not* convert that flavor to Ubuntu Studio but adds its benefits.

Q: What if I don’t want all these packages installed on my machine?
A: Simply use the Ubuntu Studio Installer to remove the features of Ubuntu Studio you don’t want or need!

on April 12, 2024 12:40 AM

April 11, 2024

We are happy to announce the Beta release for Lubuntu Noble (what will become 24.04 LTS)! What makes this cycle unique? Lubuntu is a lightweight flavor of Ubuntu, based on LXQt and built for you. As an official flavor, we benefit from Canonical’s infrastructure and assistance, in addition to the support and enthusiasm from the […]
on April 11, 2024 09:04 PM

April 04, 2024

Announcing Incus 6.0 LTS

Stéphane Graber

And it’s finally out, our first LTS (Long Term Support) release of Incus!

For anyone unfamiliar, Incus is a modern system container and virtual machine manager developed and maintained by the same team that first created LXD. It’s released under the Apache 2.0 license and is run as a community led Open Source project as part of the Linux Containers organization.

Incus provides a cloud-like environment, creating instances from premade images and offers a wide variety of features, including the ability to seamlessly cluster up to 50 servers together.

It supports multiple different local or remote storage options, traditional or fully distributed networking and offers most common cloud features, including a full REST API and integrations with common tooling like Ansible, Terraform/OpenTofu and more!

The LTS release of Incus will be supported until June 2029 with the first two years featuring bug and security fixes as well as minor usability improvements before transitioning to security fixes only for the remaining 3 years.

The highlights for existing Incus users are:

  • Swap limits for containers
  • New shell completion mechanism
  • Creation of external bridge interfaces
  • Live-migration of VMs with disks attached
  • System information in incus info --resources
  • USB information in incus info --resources

For those coming from LXD 5.0 LTS, a full list of changes is included in the announcement as well as some instructions on how to migrate over.

The full announcement and changelog can be found here.
And for those who prefer videos, here’s the release overview video:

You can take the latest release of Incus up for a spin through our online demo service at: https://linuxcontainers.org/incus/try-it/

And as always, my company is offering commercial support on Incus, ranging from by-the-hour support contracts to one-off services on things like initial migration from LXD, review of your deployment to squeeze the most out of Incus or even feature sponsorship. You’ll find all details of that here: https://zabbly.com/incus

Donations towards my work on this and other open source projects is also always appreciated, you can find me on Github Sponsors, Patreon and Ko-fi.


on April 04, 2024 05:01 PM

New “netplan status –diff” subcommand, finding differences between configuration and system state

As the maintainer and lead developer for Netplan, I’m proud to announce the general availability of Netplan v1.0 after more than 7 years of development efforts. Over the years, we’ve so far had about 80 individual contributors from around the globe. This includes many contributions from our Netplan core-team at Canonical, but also from other big corporations such as Microsoft or Deutsche Telekom. Those contributions, along with the many we receive from our community of individual contributors, solidify Netplan as a healthy and trusted open source project. In an effort to make Netplan even more dependable, we started shipping upstream patch releases, such as 0.106.1 and 0.107.1, which make it easier to integrate fixes into our users’ custom workflows.

With the release of version 1.0 we primarily focused on stability. However, being a major version upgrade, it allowed us to drop some long-standing legacy code from the libnetplan1 library. Removing this technical debt increases the maintainability of Netplan’s codebase going forward. The upcoming Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Debian 13 releases will ship Netplan v1.0 to millions of users worldwide.

Highlights of version 1.0

In addition to stability and maintainability improvements, it’s worth looking at some of the new features that were included in the latest release:

  • Simultaneous WPA2 & WPA3 support.
  • Introduction of a stable libnetplan1 API.
  • Mellanox VF-LAG support for high performance SR-IOV networking.
  • New hairpin and port-mac-learning settings, useful for VXLAN tunnels with FRRouting.
  • New netplan status –diff subcommand, finding differences between configuration and system state.

Besides those highlights of the v1.0 release, I’d also like to shed some light on new functionality that was integrated within the past two years for those upgrading from the previous Ubuntu 22.04 LTS which used Netplan v0.104:

  • We added support for the management of new network interface types, such as veth, dummy, VXLAN, VRF or InfiniBand (IPoIB). 
  • Wireless functionality was improved by integrating Netplan with NetworkManager on desktop systems, adding support for WPA3 and adding the notion of a regulatory-domain, to choose proper frequencies for specific regions. 
  • To improve maintainability, we moved to Meson as Netplan’s buildsystem, added upstream CI coverage for multiple Linux distributions and integrations (such as Debian testing, NetworkManager, snapd or cloud-init), checks for ABI compatibility, and automatic memory leak detection. 
  • We increased consistency between the supported backend renderers (systemd-networkd and NetworkManager), by matching physical network interfaces on permanent MAC address, when the match.macaddress setting is being used, and added new hardware offloading functionality for high performance networking, such as Single-Root IO Virtualisation virtual function link-aggregation (SR-IOV VF-LAG).

The much improved Netplan documentation, that is now hosted on “Read the Docs”, and new command line subcommands, such as netplan status, make Netplan a well vested tool for declarative network management and troubleshooting.


Those changes pave the way to integrate Netplan in 3rd party projects, such as system installers or cloud deployment methods. By shipping the new python3-netplan Python bindings to libnetplan, it is now easier than ever to access Netplan functionality and network validation from other projects. We are proud that the Debian Cloud Team chose Netplan to be the default network management tool in their official cloud-images for Debian Bookworm and beyond. Ubuntu’s NetworkManager package now uses Netplan as it’s default backend on Ubuntu 23.10 Desktop systems and beyond. Further integrations happened with cloud-init and the Calamares installer.

Please check out the Netplan version 1.0 release on GitHub! If you want to learn more, follow our activities on Netplan.io, GitHub, Launchpad, IRC or our Netplan Developer Diaries blog on discourse.

on April 04, 2024 03:39 PM

April 01, 2024

My Debian contributions this month were all sponsored by Freexian.

on April 01, 2024 01:10 PM

March 31, 2024

Update Plesk Docker Images

Dougie Richardson

Docker > Settings > Overview > Recreate, making sure that “Rest variable to default” is not checked.

Finally start.

on March 31, 2024 01:35 PM

March 28, 2024

Incus is a manager for virtual machines (VM) and system containers. There is also an Incus support forum.

Typically you would use the incus command-line interface (CLI) client to get access to the Incus manager and perform the tasks for the full life-cycle of the virtual machines and system containers.

In this post we see how to install and setup the Incus Web UI. Just like the incus CLI tool that gets access to the REST API of the Incus manager (through a Unix socket or HTTPS), the Incus Web UI does the same over HTTPS. I assume that you have already installed and setup Incus.

Table of Contents


You should already have a installation of Incus. If you do not have yet, see the official documentation on Incus installation and Incus migration, or my prior posts on Incus installation and Incus migration.

Installing the Incus Web UI package

The Incus Web UI package is incus-ui-canonical. We install it. By installing the package, we can enable Incus to serve the necessary Web pages (from /opt/incus/ui) so that we can connect with our browser and manage Incus itself.

sudo apt install -y incus-ui-canonical

Preparing Incus to serve the Web UI

By default Incus is not listening to a Web port so that we can access directly through the browser. We need to enable first Incus to activate access to the Web browser. By default there is no configuration with incus config show.

debian@myincus:~$ incus config show 
config: {}

We activate the Incus Web server, selecting the port number 8443. You are free to select another one, if you need to. We set core.https_address to :8443. This information appears in the incus config output.

debian@myincus:~$ incus config set core.https_address :8443
debian@myincus:~$ incus config show 
  core.https_address: :8443

Let’s verify that Incus is now listening to port 8443. Yes, it does. On all interfaces (because of the *).

debian@myincus:~$ sudo apt install -y lsof
debian@myincus:~$ sudo lsof -i :8443
incusd  8338 root    8u  IPv6  29751      0t0  TCP *:8443 (LISTEN)

This is HTTPS, where are the certificate and the server key (private key)?

debian@myincus:~$ sudo ls -l /var/lib/incus/server.key /var/lib/incus/server.crt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 753 Mar 28 18:54 /var/lib/incus/server.crt
-rw------- 1 root root 288 Mar 28 18:54 /var/lib/incus/server.key
debian@myincus:~$ sudo openssl x509 -in /var/lib/incus/server.crt -text -noout
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number:
        Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
        Issuer: O = Linux Containers, CN = root@myincus
            Not Before: Mar 28 18:54:17 2024 GMT
            Not After : Mar 26 18:54:17 2034 GMT
        Subject: O = Linux Containers, CN = root@myincus
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
                Public-Key: (384 bit)
                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
                NIST CURVE: P-384
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
                Digital Signature, Key Encipherment
            X509v3 Extended Key Usage: 
                TLS Web Server Authentication
            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: 
                DNS:myincus, IP Address:, IP Address:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
    Signature Value:


Note that this is a self-signed certificate. Chrome, Firefox and other browsers will complain; you can still accept to continue but it will show a broken padlock at the address bar. If you wish, you can replace these with proper certificates so that the padlock is intact. To do so, once you replace the server key and the server certificate with actual values, restart Incus. If, however, you are running an Incus cluster, you must use lxc cluster update-certificate instead to update them. Note that a common alternative to dealing with Incus certificates, is to use a reverse-proxy; you get the reverse-proxy to use a proper certificate and leave Incus as is.

At this point Incus is configured. We can continue with the next step where we get the client (our browser) to be authenticated to the server.

Getting the browser to authenticate to the server

Visit the URL of your Incus server with your browser. At first you will likely confronted with a message that the server certificate is not accepted (Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead). Click to Accept and continue. Then, you are presented with the following screen that asks you to login. You are authenticated to the Incus server through user certificates. You are prompted here to do just that. Your browser will create

  1. a user certificate to be installed into Incus (incus-ui.crt)
  2. the same user certificate with a private key that will be setup in your browser(s) (incus-ui.pfx).

Click on Create a new certificate.

Creating a new certificate.

Now click on Generate to get your browser to generate the private key and the certificate.

You are asked whether you want to protect the certificate with a password. In our case we click on Skip because we do not want to encrypt the private key with a password. By clicking on Skip, the private key is still generated but it is not getting encrypted.

At this point the browser generated incus-ui.crt, which is the user certificate to install in Incus. In the following we added the user certificate to Incus.

debian@myincus:~$ incus config trust list
debian@myincus:~$ incus config trust add-certificate incus-ui.crt
debian@myincus:~$ incus config trust list
| incus-ui.crt | client |             | b89b80eb4c89 | 2026/12/23 21:08 UTC |
The two files have been generated. We are adding incus-ui.crt to Incus, and incus-ui.pfx to the Web browser.

The page above has instructions on how to add the user certificate to Firefox, Chrome, Edge and macOS. For example, for the case of Firefox, type the following to the address bar and press Enter. Alternatively, go to Settings→Privacy & Security→Certificates. There, click on View Certificates… and select the Your Certificates tab. Finally, click to Import… the incus-ui.pfx certificate file.

This is found in Firefox under SettingsPrivacy & SecurityCertificates.

When you add the incus-ui.pfx user certificate in Firefox, it will appear as in the following screenshot.

The incus-ui.pfx certificate has been added to this instance of Firefox.

Subsequently, switch back to the Firefox tab with the Incus UI page and you are shown the following prompt to get your browser to send the user certificate to the Incus manager in order to get authenticated, and be able to manage Incus through the Web. Click on OK.

You are prompted to identify yourself to Incus UI in order to be able to manage the Incus installation.

Finally, you are able to manage Incus over the Web with Incus UI. The Web page loads up and you can perform all tasks that you can do with the incus command-line client.

Your browser is now authenticated through your user certificate and you can manage Incus over the Web with Incus UI.

Using the Incus UI

We click on Create Instance to create a first instance. We select from the list which image to use, then click to Create and start.

Creating an instance and starting it.

While the instance is created, you are updated with the different steps that take place. In the end, the instance is successfully launched.

The instance has been created and is running.


With Incus UI you are able to go through all the workflow of managing Incus instances through your Web browser. Incus UI has been implemented as a stateless Web application, which means that no information are stored on the browser. For example, the browser does not maintain a database with the created instances; the state is maintained on Incus.

There are a few more UI Web applications for Incus, including lxops. At some point in the future I expect to cover them as well.

Tips and Tricks

How to make the Incus port accessible to localhost only

The address has the format of <ip address>:<port>. You can specify localhost ( for the part of the IP address. By doing so, Incus will only bind to localhost and listen to local connections only.

debian@myincus:~$ incus config show
  core.https_address: :8443
debian@myincus:~$ incus config set core.https_address
debian@myincus:~$ incus config show
debian@myincus:~$ sudo lsof -i :8443
incusd  8338 root    8u  IPv4  30315      0t0  TCP localhost:8443 (LISTEN)

What’s in incus-ui.crt and incus-ui.pfx?

You can use openssl to decode both files. This is an RSA 2048-bit certificate using the SHA-1 hash function.

$ openssl x509 -in incus-ui.crt -noout -text
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number:
        Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: C = AU, ST = Some-State, O = Incus UI (Browser Generated)
            Not Before: Mar 28 21:08:58 2024 GMT
            Not After : Dec 23 21:08:58 2026 GMT
        Subject: C = AU, ST = Some-State, O = Incus UI (Browser Generated)
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
    Signature Value:

For the incus-ui.pfx file, we first convert to the PEM format, then print the contents. The PFX file contains the certificate (the same that was added earlier to Incus) along with the private key.

$ openssl pkcs12 -in incus-ui.pfx -out incus-ui.pem -noenc
Enter Import Password:
$ cat incus-ui.pem 
Bag Attributes
    localKeyID: 3A 23 25 F7 56 4D 71 B8 FB FD 72 90 2D A1 F3 B8 2F 01 5E 92 
    friendlyName: Incus-UI
subject=C = AU, ST = Some-State, O = Incus UI (Browser Generated)
issuer=C = AU, ST = Some-State, O = Incus UI (Browser Generated)
Bag Attributes
    localKeyID: 3A 23 25 F7 56 4D 71 B8 FB FD 72 90 2D A1 F3 B8 2F 01 5E 92 
    friendlyName: Incus-UI
Key Attributes: <No Attributes>


Error: Unable to connect

You tried to access the IP address of the Incus server as (for example) while you should have specified the IP address as well. The URL should look like

Error: Client sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server

You tried to connect to the Incus server at an address (for example) but you omitted the s in https. Use instead.

Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead

You are accessing the Incus server through the HTTPS address for the first time and the certificate has not been signed by a certification authority.

First attempt to access the Incus server over HTTPS with your browser.

Click on Advanced and select to Accept the risk and Continue. If you want to avoid this error message, you need to provide a server certificate that is accepted by your browser.

on March 28, 2024 10:16 PM


As many of you know, I lost my beloved son March 9th. This has hit me really hard, but I am staying strong and holding on to all the wonderful memories I have. He grew up to be an amazing man, devoted christian and wonderful father. He was loved by everyone who knew him and will be truly missed by us all. I have had folks ask me how they can help. He left behind his 7 year old son Mason. Mason was Billy’s world and I would like to make sure Mason is taken care of. I have set up a gofundme for Mason and all proceeds will go to the future care of him.


Work report


Bug bashing! I am triaging allthebugs for Plasma which can be seen here:


I am happy to report many of the remaining bugs have been fixed in the latest bug fix release 5.27.11.

I prepared https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.27.11/ and Rik uploaded to archive, thank you. Unfortunately, this and several other key fixes are stuck in transition do to the time_t64 transition, which you can read about here: https://wiki.debian.org/ReleaseGoals/64bit-time . It is the biggest transition in Debian/Ubuntu history and it couldn’t come at a worst time. We are aware our ISO installer is currently broken, calamares is one of those things stuck in this transition. There is a workaround in the comments of the bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares/+bug/2054795

Fixed an issue with plasma-welcome.

Found the fix for emojis and Aaron has kindly moved this forward with the fontconfig maintainer. Thanks!

I have received an https://kfocus.org/spec/spec-ir14.html laptop and it is truly a great machine and is now my daily driver. A big thank you to the Kfocus team! I can’t wait to show it off at https://linuxfestnorthwest.org/.

KDE Snaps:

You will see the activity in this ramp back up as the KDEneon Core project is finally a go! I will participate in the project with part time status and get everyone in the Enokia team up to speed with my snap knowledge, help prepare the qt6/kf6 transition, package plasma, and most importantly I will focus on documentation for future contributors.

I have created the ( now split ) qt6 with KDE patchset support and KDE frameworks 6 SDK and runtime snaps. I have made the kde-neon-6 extension and the PR is in: https://github.com/canonical/snapcraft/pull/4698 . Future work on the extension will include multiple versions track support and core24 support.

I have successfully created our first qt6/kf6 snap ark. They will show showing up in the store once all the required bits have been merged and published.

Thank you for stopping by.


on March 28, 2024 05:54 PM

March 27, 2024

Incus is a manager for virtual machines (VM) and system containers. There is also an Incus support forum.

A virtual machine (VM) is an instance of an operating system that runs on a computer, along with the main operating system. A virtual machine uses hardware virtualization features for the separation from the main operating system. With virtual machines, the full operating system boots up in them.

A system container is an instance of an operating system that also runs on a computer, along with the main operating system. A system container, instead, uses security primitives of the Linux kernel for the separation from the main operating system. You can think of system containers as software virtual machines. System containers reuse the running Linux kernel of the host, therefore you can only have Linux system containers, any Linux distribution.

In this post we see how to create a VM with Incus, install Incus into that VM, and then create a VM through the inner Incus installation. This is also called nested virtualization. Incus works fine with nested virtualization. Any pitfalls arise from the settings of the host (BIOS/UEFI settings, host Linux kernel, etc). We’ll see these together, step by step.

Table of Contents

Configuring your hardware for virtualization

You would need to enter into the BIOS/UEFI settings and enable the option for VT-x (for Intel CPUs) or AMD-V (for AMD CPUs) virtualization. If you are unsure, you can just follow the instructions in the next step which will complain if you have not enabled the appropriate BIOS/UEFI settings.

As a sidenote there is another setting, Intel VT-d (for Intel CPUs) or AMD-Vi (for AMD CPUs) that allow to move a supported hardware device (like a GPU, if you have more than one) into the VM. Not essential for what we are testing, but keep that in mind if you get too deep into virtualization.

There are also some additional options that are optional, AMD Nested Page tables (NPT) (for AMD) and Rapid Virtualization Indexing (RVI)/Intel Extended Page Tables (EPT) for Intel. These help for performance.

Testing your host for virtualization

The Linux kernel that is available in most Linux distributions supports the KVM hypervisor for virtualization.

Applications use the libvirttoolkit to access the virtualization features.

In order to test if our host supports virtualization, we install cpu-checker and the libvirt-clients packages on the host and then run kvm-ok and virt-host-validate respectively to verify our system. Compared between the two utilities, the latter is better. However, I am including cpu-checkeras it is covered in lots of documentation.

$ sudo apt install -y cpu-checker libvirt-clients
$ kvm-ok
INFO: /dev/kvm exists
KVM acceleration can be used
$ sudo virt-host-validate
  QEMU: Checking for hardware virtualization                                 : PASS
  QEMU: Checking if device /dev/kvm exists                                   : PASS
  QEMU: Checking if device /dev/kvm is accessible                            : PASS
  QEMU: Checking if device /dev/vhost-net exists                             : PASS
  QEMU: Checking if device /dev/net/tun exists                               : PASS
  QEMU: Checking for cgroup 'cpu' controller support                         : PASS
  QEMU: Checking for cgroup 'cpuacct' controller support                     : PASS
  QEMU: Checking for cgroup 'cpuset' controller support                      : PASS
  QEMU: Checking for cgroup 'memory' controller support                      : PASS
  QEMU: Checking for cgroup 'devices' controller support                     : PASS
  QEMU: Checking for cgroup 'blkio' controller support                       : PASS
  QEMU: Checking for device assignment IOMMU support                         : PASS
  QEMU: Checking if IOMMU is enabled by kernel                               : PASS
  QEMU: Checking for secure guest support                                    : WARN (Unknown if this platform has Secure Guest support)
   LXC: Checking for Linux >= 2.6.26                                         : PASS
   LXC: Checking for namespace ipc                                           : PASS
   LXC: Checking for namespace mnt                                           : PASS
   LXC: Checking for namespace pid                                           : PASS
   LXC: Checking for namespace uts                                           : PASS
   LXC: Checking for namespace net                                           : PASS
   LXC: Checking for namespace user                                          : PASS
   LXC: Checking for cgroup 'cpu' controller support                         : PASS
   LXC: Checking for cgroup 'cpuacct' controller support                     : PASS
   LXC: Checking for cgroup 'cpuset' controller support                      : PASS
   LXC: Checking for cgroup 'memory' controller support                      : PASS
   LXC: Checking for cgroup 'devices' controller support                     : PASS
   LXC: Checking for cgroup 'freezer' controller support                     : FAIL (Enable 'freezer' in kernel Kconfig file or mount/enable cgroup controller in your system)
   LXC: Checking for cgroup 'blkio' controller support                       : PASS
   LXC: Checking if device /sys/fs/fuse/connections exists                   : PASS

If you get a failure, try to identify whether the issue is with your computer’s firmware or with the Linux kernel of your host. If in doubt, post below the output.

Why does the output mention both QEMU and LXC? By default, the command shows all libvirt virtualization support, unless you specify something specific. If you wanted only the QEMU output, you would run sudo virt-host-validate qemu. Note that the LXC here is not the Linux Containers LXC. The LXC above is the Libvirt LXC.

Testing your host for nested virtualization

I have not noticed any mention for nested virtualization in the output of virt-host-validate. If you know a tool that shows that information, write it in the comments. In the absence of such a tool, let’s check manually.

If you have an AMD CPU, run the following. If you get 1, then nested virtualization through KVM works.

$ cat /sys/module/kvm_amd/parameters/nested 

If instead you have an Intel CPU, run the following. If you get Y(instead of 1), then nested virtualization through KVM works.

$ cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested

If instead you get an error (such as the following), then something is wrong. Report back your CPU model and motherboard, along with the Linux kernel version and Linux distribution.

cat: /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested: No such file or directory

Launching the outer Incus VM

We launch the outer VM. Get a shell into the outer VM, install Incus and those utilities that show whether KVM virtualization works. Then, we launch an Alpine VM in the outer VM. We get an error regarding Secure Boot (the Alpine Linux kernel is not signed), remove the stuck VM and launch again with Secure Boot disabled. Finally, we get a shell into the inner VM.

$ incus launch images:debian/12 outervm --vm
Launching outervm
$ incus shell outervm

      # Install Incus according to the documentation.

root@outervm:~# sudo apt install -y cpu-checker libvirt-clients
root@outervm:~# virt-host-validate 
  QEMU: Checking for hardware virtualization                                 : PASS
  QEMU: Checking if device /dev/kvm exists                                   : PASS
  QEMU: Checking if device /dev/kvm is accessible                            : PASS
  QEMU: Checking if device /dev/vhost-net exists                             : PASS
  QEMU: Checking if device /dev/net/tun exists                               : PASS
root@outervm:~# incus launch images:alpine/edge innervm --vm
Launching innervm
Error: Failed instance creation: The image used by this instance is incompatible with secureboot. Please set security.secureboot=false on the instance
root@outervm:~# incus delete innervm
root@outervm:~# incus launch images:alpine/edge innervm --vm --config security.secureboot=false
Launching innervm
root@outervm:~# incus list -c ns4t
|  NAME   |  STATE  |         IPV4          |      TYPE       |
| innervm | RUNNING | (eth0) | VIRTUAL-MACHINE |
root@outervm:~# uname -a
Linux outervm 6.1.0-18-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 6.1.76-1 (2024-02-01) x86_64 GNU/Linux
root@outervm:~# incus shell innervm
innervm:~# uname -a
Linux innervm 6.6.22-1-virt #2-Alpine SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu, 14 Mar 2024 02:12:52 +0000 x86_64 Linux


We saw how to verify whether our host is able to work with hardware virtualization. This involves checking both the computer firmware settings (BIOS/UEFI) and the host Linux kernel.

Then, we created an outer VM with Incus, got a shell into there, installed Incus, and launched an inner (nested) VM.

I wonder whether we can go further and create a VM inside the inner VM. If you go through these and try to create an inner inner VM, post the error message. It does not feel like it should be possible.

on March 27, 2024 01:40 PM

March 26, 2024

Announcing Incus 0.7

Stéphane Graber

The last Incus release before we go LTS has now been released!

This is quite the feature packed release as this is meant to include just about every features we want in Incus 6.0 LTS except for a few last minute minor additions.

You’ll find new features for just about everyone, from multi-cluster networking with the new network integrations, to enhanced performance on multi-socket servers with the improved NUMA support, to easier authentication with JSON Web Token support, to I/O limits for virtual machines and more USB passthrough options.

The full announcement and changelog can be found here.
And for those who prefer videos, here’s the release overview video:

You can take the latest release of Incus up for a spin through our online demo service at: https://linuxcontainers.org/incus/try-it/

And as always, my company is offering commercial support on Incus, ranging from by-the-hour support contracts to one-off services on things like initial migration from LXD, review of your deployment to squeeze the most out of Incus or even feature sponsorship. You’ll find all details of that here: https://zabbly.com/incus

Donations towards my work on this and other open source projects is also always appreciated, you can find me on Github Sponsors, Patreon and Ko-fi.


on March 26, 2024 10:42 PM

March 24, 2024

The Matrix has you, part 2

Stuart Langridge

I’ve recently switched back from vscode to Sublime Text, which means that after all the time I spent training my fingers to type “code somefile.txt” instead of “subl somefile.txt” I now need to undo all that conditioning and go back to subl again. So I thought, hey, maybe I should dump a little shell script called code in my bin folder which admonished me in some amusing way, thus Pavlov-ing myself into learning to do it right.

And then I thought, hey, what’d be cool is if I had that Matrix-esque “raining code” effect in the Terminal and then it was superimposed with a box saying “STOP TYPING code AND USE subl INSTEAD”, like the “SYSTEM ERROR” message at the end of the first movie.

And then I thought: someone’s already done this, right? And they have; it is called cmatrix. But I don’t like cmatrix because it doesn’t do the colours right; the text just sorta stops rather than fading away like the movie does, and it feels unreal and too sharp for me. Now, don’t get me wrong, I understand why this is; terminals support a full proper range of colour these days, but writing a program which gets released to actual people and which can deal with the bewildering array of terminal settings out there is a miserable waste of everyone’s time. But I’m not writing this for anyone else; it only has to work in my terminal (in true works on my machine fashion). And this will give me a chance to noodle about with Python terminal libraries such as blessed to make something interesting. Hence, matrix24.py:

It’s a bodge all round, and it still doesn’t look right, and Jess pointed out that making something cool happen when I make a mistake is the opposite of conditioning, but I got to fiddle about with a new library for a bit, so that was fun. Can I do something productive now?

(title from a classic post about the Matrix which still makes me laugh even after all these years, although it is very unfair to Keanu Reeves who is a cool bloke and should be emulated in his approach to life)

on March 24, 2024 03:40 PM

Multipass cloud-init

Dougie Richardson

Multipass is pretty useful but what a pain this was to figure out, due to Ubuntu’s Node.js package not working with AWS-CDK.

Multipass lets you manage VM in Ubuntu and can take cloud-init scripts as a parameter. I wanted an Ubuntu LTS instance with AWS CDK, which needs Node.js and python3-venv.

  - python3-venv
  - unzip

package_update: true

package_upgrade: true

  - path: "/etc/environment"
    append: true
    content: |
      export PATH=\

  - wget https://nodejs.org/dist/v20.11.1/node-v20.11.1-linux-x64.tar.xz 
  - tar xvf node-v20.11.1-linux-x64.tar.xz -C /opt
  - export PATH=/opt/node-v20.11.1-linux-x64/bin:$PATH
  - npm install -g npm@latest
  - npm install -g aws-cdk
  - git config --system user.name "Dougie Richardson"
  - git config --system user.email "xx@xxxxxxxxx.com"
  - git config --system init.defaultBranch main
  - wget https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip
  - unzip awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip
  - ./aws/install

Save that as cdk.yaml and spin up an new instance:

multipass launch --name cdk --cloud-init cdk.yaml

There’s a couple useful things to note if you’re checking this out:

  • Inside the VM there’s a useful log to assist debugging /var/log/cloud-init-output.log.
  • While YAML has lots of ways to split text over multiple lines, when you don’t want space use a backslash.

Shell into the new VM with multipass shell cdk, then we can configure programmatic access and bootstrap CDK.

aws sso configure
aws sso login --profile profile_name
aws sts get-caller-identity --profile profile_name
aws configure get region --profile profile_name

The last two commands give the account and region to bootstrap:

cdk bootstrap aws://account_number/region --profile profile_name
on March 24, 2024 01:30 PM

March 19, 2024

On Mastodon, the question came up of how Ubuntu would deal with something like the npm install everything situation. I replied:

Ubuntu is curated, so it probably wouldn’t get this far. If it did, then the worst case is that it would get in the way of CI allowing other packages to be removed (again from a curated system, so people are used to removal not being self-service); but the release team would have no hesitation in removing a package like this to fix that, and it certainly wouldn’t cause this amount of angst.

If you did this in a PPA, then I can’t think of any particular negative effects.

OK, if you added lots of build-dependencies (as well as run-time dependencies) then you might be able to take out a builder. But Launchpad builders already run arbitrary user-submitted code by design and are therefore very carefully sandboxed and treated as ephemeral, so this is hardly novel.

There’s a lot to be said for the arrangement of having a curated system for the stuff people actually care about plus an ecosystem of add-on repositories. PPAs cover a wide range of levels of developer activity, from throwaway experiments to quasi-official distribution methods; there are certainly problems that arise from it being difficult to tell the difference between those extremes and from there being no systematic confinement, but for this particular kind of problem they’re very nearly ideal. (Canonical has tried various other approaches to software distribution, and while they address some of the problems, they aren’t obviously better at helping people make reliable social judgements about code they don’t know.)

For a hypothetical package with a huge number of dependencies, to even try to upload it directly to Ubuntu you’d need to be an Ubuntu developer with upload rights (or to go via Debian, where you’d have to clear a similar hurdle). If you have those, then the first upload has to pass manual review by an archive administrator. If your package passes that, then it still has to build and get through proposed-migration CI before it reaches anything that humans typically care about.

On the other hand, if you were inclined to try this sort of experiment, you’d almost certainly try it in a PPA, and that would trouble nobody but yourself.

on March 19, 2024 07:05 AM

March 01, 2024

Launchpad’s new homepage

Launchpad has been around for a while, and its frontpage has remained untouched for a few years now.

If you go into launchpad.net, you’ll notice it looks quite different from what it has looked like for the past 10 years – it has been updated! The goal was to modernize it while trying to keep it looking like Launchpad. The contents have remained the same with only a few text additions, but there were a lot of styling changes.

The most relevant change is that the frontpage now uses Vanilla components (https://vanillaframework.io/docs). This alone, not only made the layout look more modern, but also made it better for a new curious user reaching the page from a mobile device. The accessibility score of the page – calculated with Google’s Lighthouse extension – increased from a 75 to an almost perfect 98!

Given the frontpage is so often the first impression users get when they want to check out Launchpad, we started there. But in the future, we envision the rest of Launchpad looking more modern and having a more intuitive UX.

As a final note, thank you to Peter Makowski for always giving a helping hand with frontend changes in Launchpad.

If you have any feedback for us, don’t forget to reach out in any of our channels. For feature requests you can reach us as feedback@launchpad.net or open a report in https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad.

To conclude this post, here is what Launchpad looked like in 2006, yesterday and today.

Launchpad in 2006

Launchpad yesterday

Launchpad today

on March 01, 2024 01:55 PM

February 25, 2024

Plasma Pass 1.2.2

Jonathan Riddell

Plasma Pass is a Plasma applet for the Pass password manager

This release includes build fixes for Plasma 6, due to be released later this week.

URL: https://download.kde.org/stable/plasma-pass/
Sha256: 2a726455084d7806fe78bc8aa6222a44f328b6063479f8b7afc3692e18c397ce
Signed by E0A3EB202F8E57528E13E72FD7574483BB57B18D Jonathan Esk-Riddell <jr@jriddell.org>

on February 25, 2024 11:57 AM

February 21, 2024

Oxygen Icons 6 Released

Jonathan Riddell

Oxygen Icons is an icon theme for use with any XDG compliant app and desktop.

It is part of KDE Frameworks 6 but is now released independently to save on resources.

This 6.0.0 release requires to be built with extra-cmake-modules from KF 6 which is not yet released, distros may want to wait until next week before building it.

Distros which ship this version can drop the version released as part of KDE Frameworks 5.

sha256: 28ec182875dcc15d9278f45ced11026aa392476f1f454871b9e2c837008e5774

URL: https://download.kde.org/stable/oxygen-icons/

Signed by E0A3EB202F8E57528E13E72FD7574483BB57B18D Jonathan Esk-Riddell <jr@jriddell.org>

on February 21, 2024 10:20 AM

January 30, 2024

There’s a YouTube channel called Clickspring, run by an Australian bloke called Chris who is a machinist: a mechanical engineer with a lathe and a mill and all manner of little tools. I am not a machinist — at school I was fairly inept at what we called CDT, for Craft Design and Technology, and what Americans much more prosaically call “shop class”. My dad was, though, or an engineer at least. Although Chris builds clocks and beautiful brass mechanisms, and my dad built aeroplanes. Heavy engineering. All my engineering is software, which actual engineers don’t think is engineering at all, and most of the time I don’t either.

You can romanticise it: claim that software development isn’t craft, it’s art. And there is a measure of truth in this. It’s like writing, which is the other thing I spend a lot of time doing for money; that’s an art, too.

If you’re doing it right, at least.

Most of the writing that’s done, though, isn’t art. And most of the software development isn’t, either. Or most of the engineering. For every one person creating beauty in prose or code or steel, there are fifty just there doing the job with no emotional investment in what they’re doing at all. Honestly, that’s probably a good thing, and not a complaint. While I might like the theoretical idea of a world where everything is hand made by someone who cares, I don’t think that you should have to care in order to get paid. The people who are paying you don’t care, so you shouldn’t have to either.

It’s nice if you can swing it so you get both, though.

The problem is that it’s not possible to instruct someone to give a damn. You can’t regulate the UK government into giving a damn about people who fled a war to come here to find their dream of being a nurse, you can’t regulate Apple bosses into giving a damn about the open web, you can’t regulate CEOs into giving a damn about their employees or governments about their citizens or landlords about their tenants. That’s not what regulation is for; people who give a damn largely don’t need regulation because they want to do the right thing. They might need a little steering into knowing what the right thing is, but that’s not the same.

No, regulation is there as a reluctant compromise: since you can’t make people care, the best you can do is in some rough and ready fashion make them behave in a similar way to the way they would if they did. Of course, this is why the most insidious kind of response is not an attempt to evade responsibility but an attack on the system of regulation itself. Call judges saboteurs or protesters criminals or insurgents patriots. And why the most heinous betrayal is one done in the name of the very thing you’re destroying. Claim to represent the will of the people while hurting those people. Claim to be defending the law while hiding violence and murder behind a badge. Claim privacy as a shield for surveillance or for exclusion. We all sorta thought that the system could protect us, that those with the power could be trusted to use it at least a little responsibly. And the last year has been one more in a succession of years demonstrating just how wrong that is. This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector.

The worst thing about it is that the urge to protect other people is not only real but the best thing about ourselves. When it’s actually real. Look after others, especially those who need it, and look after yourself, because you’re one of the people who needs it.

Chris from Clickspring polishes things to a high shine using tin, which surprised me. I thought bringing out the beauty in something needed a soft cloth but no, it’s done with metal. Some things, like silver, are basically shiny with almost no effort; there’s a reason people have prized silver things since before we could even write down why, and it’s not just because you could find lumps of it lying around the place with no need to build a smelting furnace. Silver looks good, and makes you look good in turn. Tin is useful, and it helps polish other things to a high shine.

Today’s my 48th birthday. A highly composite number. The ways Torah wisdom is acquired. And somewhere between silver and tin. That sounds OK to me.

on January 30, 2024 09:50 PM

January 25, 2024

Linux kernel getting a livepatch whilst running a marathon. Generated with AI.

Livepatch service eliminates the need for unplanned maintenance windows for high and critical severity kernel vulnerabilities by patching the Linux kernel while the system runs. Originally the service launched in 2016 with just a single kernel flavour supported.

Over the years, additional kernels were added: new LTS releases, ESM kernels, Public Cloud kernels, and most recently HWE kernels too.

Recently livepatch support was expanded for FIPS compliant kernels, Public cloud FIPS compliant kernels, and as well IBM Z (mainframe) kernels. Bringing the total of kernel flavours support to over 60 distinct kernel flavours supported in parallel. The table of supported kernels in the documentation lists the supported kernel flavours ABIs, the duration of individual build's support window, supported architectures, and the Ubuntu release. This work was only possible thanks to the collaboration with the Ubuntu Certified Public Cloud team, engineers at IBM for IBM Z (s390x) support, Ubuntu Pro team, Livepatch server & client teams.

It is a great milestone, and I personally enjoy seeing the non-intrusive popup on my Ubuntu Desktop that a kernel livepatch was applied to my running system. I do enable Ubuntu Pro on my personal laptop thanks to the free Ubuntu Pro subscription for individuals.

What's next? The next frontier is supporting ARM64 kernels. The Canonical kernel team has completed the gap analysis to start supporting Livepatch Service for ARM64. Upstream Linux requires development work on the consistency model to fully support livepatch on ARM64 processors. Livepatch code changes are applied on a per-task basis, when the task is deemed safe to switch over. This safety check depends mostly on kernel stacktraces. For these checks, CONFIG_HAVE_RELIABLE_STACKTRACE needs to be available in the upstream ARM64 kernel. (see The Linux Kernel Documentation). There are preliminary patches that enable reliable stacktraces on ARM64, however these turned out to be problematic as there are lots of fix revisions that came after the initial patchset that AWS ships with 5.10. This is a call for help from any interested parties. If you have engineering resources and are interested in bringing Livepatch Service to your ARM64 platforms, please reach out to the Canonical Kernel team on the public Ubuntu Matrix, Discourse, and mailing list. If you want to chat in person, see you at FOSDEM next weekend.

on January 25, 2024 06:01 PM

This is a follow up to my previous post about How to test things with openQA without running your own instance, so you might want to read that first.

Now, while hunting for bsc#1219073 which is quite sporadic, and took quite some time to show up often enough so that became noticeable and traceable, once stars aligned and managed to find a way to get a higher failure rate, I wanted to have a way for me and for the developer to test the kernel with the different patches to help with the bisecting and ease the process of finding the culprit and finding a solution for it.

I came with a fairly simple solution, using the --repeat parameter of the openqa-cli tool, and a simple shell script to run it:

$ cat ~/Downloads/trigger-kernel-openqa-mdadm.sh
# the kernel repo must be the one without https; tests don't have the kernel CA installed

REPEAT="--repeat 100" # using 100 by default
JOBS="https://openqa.your.instan.ce/tests/13311283 https://openqa.your.instan.ce/tests/13311263 https://openqa.your.instan.ce/tests/13311276 https://openqa.your.instan.ce/tests/13311278"
for JOB in $JOBS; do 
	openqa-clone-job --within-instance $JOB CASEDIR=https://github.com/foursixnine/os-autoinst-distri-opensuse.git#tellmewhy ${REPEAT} \
		TEST="${BUILD}_checkmdadm" YAML_SCHEDULE=schedule/qam/QR/15-SP5/textmode/textmode-skip-registration-extra.yaml INSTALLONLY=0 DESKTOP=textmode\
		|& tee jobs-launched.list;

There are few things to note here:

  • the kernel repo must be the one without https; tests don’t have the CA installed by default.
  • the --repeat parameter is set to 100 by default, but can be changed to whatever number is desired.
  • the JOBS variable contains the list of jobs to clone and run, having all supported architecures is recommended (at least for this case)
  • the BUILD variable can be anything, but it’s recommended to use the bug number or something that makes sense.
  • the TEST variable is used to set the name of the test as it will show in the test overview page, you can use TEST+=foo if you want to append text instead of overriding it, the --repeat parameter, will append a number incrementally to your test, see os-autoinst/openQA#5331 for more details.
  • the YAML_SCHEDULE variable is used to set the yaml schedule to use, there are other ways to modify the schedule, but in this case I want to perform a full installation

Running the script

  • Ensure you can run at least the openQA client; if you need API keys, see post linked at the beginning of this post
  • replace the kernel repo with your branch in line 5
  • run the script $ bash trigger-kernel-openqa-mdadm.sh and you should get the following, times the --repeat if you modified it
1 job has been created:
 - sle-15-SP5-Full-QR-x86_64-Build134.5-skip_registration+workaround_modules@64bit -> https://openqa.your.instan.ce/tests/13345270

Each URL, will be a job triggered in openQA, depending on the load and amount of jobs, you might need to wait quite a bit (some users can help moving the priority of these jobs so it executes faster)

The review stuff:

Looking at the results

  • Go to https://openqa.your.instan.ce/tests/overview?distri=sle&build=bsc1219073&version=15-SP5 or from any job from the list above click on Job groups menu at the top, and select Build bsc1219073
  • Click on “Filter”
  • type the name of the test module to filter in the field Module name, e.g mdadm, and select the desired result of such test module e.g failed (you can also type, and select multiple result types)
  • Click Apply
  • The overall summary of the build overview page, will provide you with enough information to calculate the pass/fail rate.

A rule of thumb: anything above 5% is bad, but you need to also understand your sample size + the setup you’re using; YMMV.

Ain’t nobody got time to wait

The script will generate a file called: jobs-launched.list, in case you absolutely need to change the priority of the jobs, set it to 45, so it runs higher than default priority, which is 50 cat jobs-launched.list | grep https | sed -E 's/^.*->\s.*tests\///' | xargs -r -I {} bash -c "openqa-cli api --osd -X POST jobs/{}/prio prio=45; sleep 1"

The magic

The actual magic is in the schedule, so right after booting the system and setting it up, before running the mdadm test, I inserted the update_kernel module, which will add the kernel repo specified by KOTD_REPO, and install the kernel from there, reboot the system, and leave the system ready for the actual test, however I had to add very small changes:

 tests/kernel/update_kernel.pm | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/kernel/update_kernel.pm b/tests/kernel/update_kernel.pm
index 1d6312bee0dc..048da593f68f 100644
--- a/tests/kernel/update_kernel.pm
+++ b/tests/kernel/update_kernel.pm
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ sub boot_to_console {
 sub run {
     my $self = shift;
-    if ((is_ipmi && get_var('LTP_BAREMETAL')) || is_transactional) {
+    if ((is_ipmi && get_var('LTP_BAREMETAL')) || is_transactional || get_var('FORCE_SERIAL_TERMINAL')) {
         # System is already booted after installation, just switch terminal
     } else {
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ sub run {
     } elsif (!get_var('KGRAFT')) {
         power_action('reboot', textmode => 1);
-        $self->wait_boot if get_var('LTP_BAREMETAL');
+        $self->wait_boot if (get_var('FORCE_SERIAL_TERMINAL') || get_var('LTP_BAREMETAL'));

Likely I’ll make a new pull request to have this in the test distribution, but for now this is good enough to help kernel developers to do some self-service and trigger their own openQA tests, that have many more tests (hopefully in parallel) and faster than if there was a person doing all of this manually.

Special thanks to the QE Kernel team, who do the amazing job of thinking of some scenarios like this, because they save a lot of time.

on January 25, 2024 12:00 AM